Example sentences of "[coord] it be this which " in BNC.

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1 This is ‘ up front in consciousness ’ and it is this which determines his answer , in the absence of central control .
2 This continually recurring disharmony Marx attributes to the nature of class relations , and it is this which produces the forward movement of history .
3 And it is this which explains the London Tories ' prolonged , teeth-gritting reluctance to recognise their Ulster colleagues .
4 In Adorno 's aesthetics , the value of the cultural and the aesthetic lies in difference and negation and it is this which is threatened by the commodification of culture .
5 This was the one constraint on the expressions which could be used to set up trusts ; and it is this which explains their unexpected prominence in the discussions of the jurists .
6 A different kind of limitation is set by the third condition and it is this which we will look at now .
7 This great weakness of vulnerability to fragmentation , is to be found in all established religions and it is this which has prevented any of them ever being able to offer to the rest of the world anything even approaching a promise of the universal happiness that is so desired .
8 Unfortunately on these occasions , all too often the prick of conscience , if it has operated at all , is instantly suppressed before it can take control , and it is this which appears to have become the normal response .
9 Its instinct is to root itself in truth , to earth itself in reality , and it is this which distinguishes faith from fantasy , the object of faith from a figment of the imagination .
10 Since the kite has a lift component to enable it to accelerate at certain positions around the hemisphere it also has what is known as an ‘ apparent wind ’ and it is this which sustains the motion within the flight envelope .
11 First , the process , as outlined in the diagram , is a scheme for research as well as for teaching conventionally considered : each is seen as a concomitant of the other , and it is this which provides for the professional development of the teacher .
12 It is impossible to conceive of dialectical materialism without atheism , and it is this which underlies Marxism as an ideology .
13 While English tends to modify by use of adjectives or adverbs , BSL tends to use inflection especially in relation to the verb and it is this which makes its story formation rather different .
14 Understanding the process is of considerable importance however , and it is this which has been focused on here .
15 The key is the understanding of deaf children 's processing of their own language , and it is this which requires our immediate and continued attention .
16 So individualism must regard them as being in some way free from the determining influence of society , and it is this which makes the properties of individuals into a suitable stopping point for explanations .
17 It is this that one is seeking to transmit and show , and it is this which is the key to the wholehearted and free contribution of the individual .
18 It is unlikely that Gloucester could have flouted the council 's wishes without at least tacit royal approval , and it is this which distinguished the duke from his predecessor as chief steward .
19 All land vertebrates have this feature and it is this which confirms that this fish is indeed very close to the ancestral line .
20 Companies certainly try to control demand , to channel it in known directions , but they are never sure of their market ; the best they can do is to offer a ‘ cultural repertoire ’ , to cover a spread of the likely possibilities in order to minimize the risk — and it is this which accounts for the colossal overproduction of records and the large number that make a loss ( see Laing 1985 : 9–10 , 20 ; Frith 1983a : 92–102 ; Denisoff 1975 : 92–4 ) .
21 The former has large , long , pointed bright green leaves , the latter has rounded , much smaller leaves , with a much better flavour , and it is this which is used by the French for making soup .
22 Traditional values had to be re-established , and it is this which may be the heritage of Conservative law and order .
23 Exactly how zoos are expected to dispose of their lar gibbons is not clear , and it is this which concerns the International Primate Protection League ( IPPL ) .
24 This alternative strategy is in many respects less coherent than Owen 's and it is this which helps to explain the fact that Roger 's approach is often misunderstood by those outside the unit .
25 However , there is another sense in which syntactic analysis might be independent of semantic and pragmatic analysis , and it is this which we discuss in the next section .
26 There the random movement in aggregate demand leads to an unexpectedly high price and it is this which induces a rise in output .
27 Some researchers maintain that many of these principles are genetically programmed , and it is this which explains how it is possible for speakers of the same language to develop similar and highly complex knowledge of their language , even though , in the normal language learning situation , they will have been exposed only to limited and random samples of speech .
28 It is unlikely that Gloucester could have flouted the council 's wishes without at least tacit royal approval , and it is this which distinguished the duke from his predecessor as chief steward .
29 In each of the above examples the children have been asked to take on the role of " people who know " ; and it is this which gives them their stake in the drama .
30 When depreciation is deducted from gross investment , we have what is called net investment and it is this which measures the true addition to the country 's capital stock during the year .
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