Example sentences of "[coord] it be [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nobody er erm or it was nobody thought about it li that was taken for granted .
2 Speed was required last night , and It 's Me won the £3,000 first prize by 0.98sec from Marie Edgar on Everest Sure Thing .
3 and it 's they do come up cos then you can see them below ca n't
4 You 're having some row between yourselves and it 's nothing to do with me and you never want to listen to me and — ’
5 And it 's nothing to do with me .
6 ‘ There 's an art to tackling and it 's nothing to do with the elbows in faces , eye-poking , testicle-grabbing and raking opponents down their Achilles tendons that he talks about .
7 ‘ It 's obvious , and it 's nothing to do with your charts .
8 And I shall go out with Nigel as often as I like , I shall go to his home whenever I like , and it 's nothing to do with you !
9 Sorry to be so cryptic , and it 's nothing to worry about — in fact , quite the reverse .
10 This is a very common response , and it 's nothing to worry about as long as you realize that the manager 's emphasis has to be on getting the unit to run efficiently .
11 That 's what you call a grounding , and it 's what makes him confident if he does get to meet Big Ron at Villa Park next season .
12 Oxford University 's presence has led to claims that this seat has the most sophisticated electorate in the country and it 's what makes the contest in Oxford West and Abingdon so interesting .
13 An and it 's what makes me so cross as I walk past that blinking school every day and you think my kid should be over there !
14 And it 's something to do with getting the num the , the system so you 've got zeros in and I did n't understand what the heck it was on about .
15 Now you 've had a very good idea for fund raising I believe have n't you and it 's something to do with your daddy .
16 I do n't mind the hard training because you get better and better at it and it 's something to do . ’
17 and it 's something to do with work then ?
18 The Scots and the Welsh and the Irish have clearly retained very strong national cultural characteristics , which have made it necessary for the student who wants to make accurate distinctions to say ‘ British does mean something , and it 's something to do with the Briton overseas ’ .
19 And it 's something to do with that and an embargo date 's a little bit like that , and in a sense , you may well be able to stop people actually publishing the thing , but they will still know and be working on it if it 's of any importance , so use embargo dates advisedly .
20 You may have caught me doing this some of you may have have noticed that I try to force meself not to and it 's something to remember .
21 Miliary er i it it refers , well you 've heard of millet seed and it 's it refers to a seeding of many different lesions er , around the body it means the disseminated form of of tuberculosis where the lesions occur all over the place .
22 at all and it 's it messes everything
23 And it 's it looks like ginger beer .
24 And it 's you know , some say yes , some say no .
25 To come back in and get bloody aggro like that and it 's you know and it
26 And we went all round the bed and we went all round outside , we went all through the back smelt outside Jane 's door in case she 'd she were on fire could n't find nothing , sat down and read , he said it 's cos the telly 's on and I expect it 's damp and it 's you know
27 And it 's You go straight up and it 's in that bottom left hand corner .
28 away and then all of a sudden he gets his , calculator out and it 's I said excuse me Eric I said not wishing to be appear thick , I said but , what you doing ?
29 Yeah but if you just said an acid and a so and so , but you 're saying a H C L and a and it 's I know
30 No , I think they 're more tired and it 's I think it tends , tends , things tend
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