Example sentences of "[coord] it [verb] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Either LIN buys the rest of the franchise it does n't already own , or it has to come to terms with McCaw . ’
2 Sh , sh , and it continues to go through this , and I say , you can see , it 's very , very comprehensive , and very , very detailed .
3 But personal growth is also shown here as the character of Pip begins to change even before he was given the money and it continues to change after all the money is gone .
4 Unix International anticipates the technology will be standardised on every Unix desktop vendor 's system and available to software developers , and it promises to work with all segments of the marketplace to move the technology forward quickly .
5 And it remains to enquire to what extent other associative abilities experimentally revealed in other species approach those to be expected of a creature able to use linguistic symbols .
6 Davide ran his finger over the knubbled ear , and it began to seem to him a charm to bring good luck , prosperity , the ease he hoped to find , if only he could leave for America .
7 Dark clouds enveloped the aircraft and it began to bump through them .
8 He caught a glimpse of the mast , a cable or two downwind , and it began to dawn on him that they had lost sight of him .
9 Within the Labour Party the Socialist League was finding that its attempts to remould policy were resented and rejected and it began to look for allies outside the Party .
10 Simultaneously with doing the evening performances — two on Saturday , at five and eight — he was recording episodes of Beyond Our Ken and making the latest ‘ Carry On ’ film — Carry On Constable- and it began to show with the way Pieces of Eight proceeded .
11 In May it was announced that the fleet name ‘ London TransporT ’ would be used and it began to appear on the waist panels of cars as repainted .
12 I seemed to have no value for him and it began to feel like a kind of death .
13 One rather exciting will home made will I hasten to add I dealt with last year , the lady of some who was not getting on with her husband and I think although I 'm not absolutely sure that the handwriting is that of her sister and we have this form filled in and it mentioned the bank or special savings account and it mentioned the premium bonds and it mentioned everything in the back bedroom and the linen in the linen and the linen cupboard because she 'd brought all this lot and it failed to appoint an executor and it failed to deal with the residuary estate it meant that technically there was a partial intestacy , as there was a partial intestacy the rules applied to that , first person to inherit ?
14 We stared at it and it seemed to stare at us .
15 Roman came into the room and it seemed to shrink before his powerful personality .
16 The horse screamed as the bullet scored its neck , and it seemed to leap with its hindlegs , making the rear a mighty buck that shipped the rider off and into the shallows of the lake .
17 And it came to pass in those days , that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed .
18 No power was given to conduct investigations on its own and it had to advertise in the local press for information to be brought to it .
19 and it had to appeal to a broader group .
20 The true explanation is utterly different , and it had to wait for one of the most revolutionary thinkers of all time , Charles Darwin .
21 As it was , however , the administration had taken over responsibility for this war ; and it had to work with what it had , making a just cause as best it could .
22 And it pays to travel about You see the problem with Jackie and Nev is always been that they ca n't believe that you can get things in a place like W H Smiths that will that will do very nicely as a Christmas present .
23 This puts industry off voluntary controls and it tends to wait for a law to be brought in .
24 We are offering the experience of a lifetime , and it seems to appeal to people from all over the world .
25 Already LLNL has tried it out on nerve gas surrogates such as dimethyl methyl phosphonate and methyl phosphonic acid , and it seems to work on the crucial C-P bonds .
26 We have described this process earlier ( chapter 6 ) , and it seems to occur in every case where fingerspelling has been available for some time and there has been a strong hearing influence .
27 The present interest in mud is not new , and it appears to occur in cycles .
28 And it has to do with bed hygiene , for you do n't become allergic to the mite — you become allergic to the mite 's dung .
29 somewhere and it has to come from the training .
30 Her thesis has its gaze on the exact detail of the exchange of cattle , goats , blankets , gourds and snuff , and it tries to establish by the comparative method that these customs are part of universal human practice .
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