Example sentences of "[coord] it [is] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Because you 'd you could n't hold that much in your head so you have to try and break them down into little patterns of Oh it 's one of that lot or it 's one of this lot .
2 And , or it 's one of the two lifts they had and they 've made it er toylands .
3 Hair is always on show and it 's one of the first things to suffer from the effects of poor diet , pregnancy , the menopause and stress .
4 Yes lovely , amino acids , right , it 's one particular amino acid there are eight essential amino , amino acids and it 's one of these and it 's called venial alanine you do n't have to remember that , it 's very difficult to , to remember .
5 And it 's one of those slip roads where you off and other people join at the same place .
6 Er and it 's one of the things that people still worry about .
7 It is no longer the kiss of death to an actor ( watch this space ) , and it 's one of the few ways we have of paying the school fees on a regular basis .
8 Well done , excellent , erm , as you can see , in some ways quite a complex er , issue , and it 's one of those things really , I think to fully understand this , you got to sit down with a pencil and paper and work it through yourself .
9 Yes , it 's the , the failure to keep bovine identification breed re records by two or three far farmers and it 's one of those things where if you 've got a lot of animals and you have n't marked them , then you get a lot of incorrects , and that 's why we 've got to go through it .
10 And it 's one of those things .
11 A developing developing regional democracy is erm is a difficult thing to get to get across and it 's one of those things that Liberal Democrats talk away for hours about at their Conferences .
12 And it 's one of the biggest games of the season on Sunday .
13 But he was a genius and it 's one of his best plays and most pertinent today .
14 And it 's one of the more interesting applications of Newton 's third law , to every action there 's an equal and opposite reaction .
15 So I opened it and it 's one of these things er if you book to go to Dublin before May the , whatever , the end of May
16 and it 's one of life 's real treats .
17 And it 's one of these .
18 Er and it 's one of these things where thinking about y your average heterosexual bloke they may respond angrily but there 's a suspicion that maybe it 's because they 're feeling rather threatened underneath sort of thing .
19 I asked her about the letter and she said she could n't remember anything about it but she filled in something when they came back from Belfast and she said open it , so I opened it and it 's one of these things er if you book to go to Dublin before May the whatever , the end of May , then if you went again in the Autumn , you you get er fifty pounds worth of vouchers or something , you go half price .
20 And I know I was madly , madly involved with the symphony to the extent that when it was done — and it is one of the few works I say this of — I would not dare touch it again .
21 Thus , the movement of water is the chief sculptor of landscape — after Earth movements have put the land in place — and it is one of the chief determinants of overall climate and of day-to-day weather .
22 There is a flower market here every morning and it is one of the most atmospheric areas of Prague .
23 In 1927 six more toastracks were purchased , and it is one of these which survives at the National Tramway Museum today ( see 61 ) .
24 The massive stone structure has acquired a mature and acceptable appearance in these days of so much brick and concrete , and it is one of the ironies of the philosophy of conservation that the blessed bridge which Ruskin regarded as a monstrous intrusion into a beautiful natural scene should , a hundred years later , have been noisily protected from demolition by the very people who would presumably have sided with Ruskin in wishing to preserve the landscape .
25 Actually , resistance is more likely to occur with prolonged exposure to large dosages which leave only a few ‘ resistant ’ individuals to form the nucleus of the next generation ; and it is one of the characteristics of pests that a few individuals can rapidly give rise to large populations .
26 If it is so for choices of means it is so for choices of ends ; and it is one of the greatest temptations to irrationality that nothing compels us to acknowledge in the realm of ends what we can not afford to deny in the realm of means .
27 We have a portable overhead projector and it is one of the few schools with electricity , so I was able to use slides .
28 Such an assumption is perhaps made most explicit in the Beckford Report when it comments on the apparent failure of the area officer in the case to recognize the apparently obvious indications that he was dealing with a ‘ high risk ’ child abuse case when chairing the initial case conference : Clearly it is of concern if health and welfare professionals are unfamiliar with the relevant research and it is one of the aims of this chapter to contribute to that understanding .
29 That an ethos of this kind exists at Long Lartin has , since the time of its first Governor , Bill Perrie , been widely recognized , and it is one of only two top security prisons to avoid serious control problems .
30 Still , it is well worth finding , and it is one of the brightest globulars visible from the latitude of Britain .
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