Example sentences of "[coord] it [is] [adj] see " in BNC.

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1 These pickups have plenty of bite and it 's good to see that Ibanez have kept their sensible switching system at this end of the range .
2 Of course there will be hand makers there too , like Overwater , Manson , and Martin Petersen ( Sei basses ) , and it 's good to see Fingerbone guitars back in the fray , too .
3 It has its fair share of crash , bang wallop and does take a mite too long to wrap itself up , but Sneakers is very funny , hugely entertaining and always ingeniously wacky and it 's good to see that reports of Mr Redford 's celluloid ‘ death ’ have been been a touch premature and certainly exaggerated .
4 Norwich — and it 's good to see it happening . ’
5 ‘ We 've also earned respect from fellow professionals — just like Norwich — and it 's good to see it happening . ’
6 Bishops Hall doing it nicely under Brad and it 's good to see him in the saddle today because he was offered the ride on Morley Street but he 'd already said yes and he 's a man of his word and he agreed to ride this horse .
7 I most grateful to the minister for giving way and it 's good to see the government er at last acknowledging the justice of the amendments to do exactly what we 're proposing now that we put in to most of the committees like the building societies c c c b b bill a and like the banking bill when they were discussing the nineteen eighties but Lord Justice Bingham also recommended er and I quote , the determination of the correct relationship between client , auditor and supervisor raises an issue of policy more appropriate for decision making by parliament than by the bank and the accounting profession .
8 ‘ I think the better the players are treated in these respects , the more enthusiastic is their response to the challenges before them , ’ points out McGilligan , ‘ Let's face it , the whole sport has become more professional off the field — and it 's good to see it — so I do n't think too many people would begrudge players a few wee perks . ’
9 ‘ The Sex Pistols ’ , he wrote , ‘ are very New York and it 's nice to see that the British have produced a band capable of producing the atmosphere created by the New York Dolls and their many imitators , even though it might be too late … ’
10 We we should discuss a bit about this document and I too have had the er dubious honour of reading John Major 's speech and it 's nice to see that both Tory speakers have actually managed to take half of it each and paraphrase it .
11 They 're very pleased at that because I mean they obviously found it to be useful , erm we proved it to be useful and it 's nice to see them all taking on this responsibility now , now and doing it , because that 's all progress .
12 They agree that the States beckon for a second time but Melanie says : ‘ It 's very difficult because America 's so segregated , and it 's horrifying to see how much prejudice there is , really .
13 At the university here we have got two or three groups in which we do know how to do that and especially the work that I 'm associated with , again the arts undergraduates , we have developed over a period now of something like six years , ways of giving them confidence , and it 's amazing to see what happens .
14 ‘ I 've been a Lions fan for about 15 years and it 's great to see the look on the tourists ’ faces when I walk around Bangkok in my ‘ No One Likes Us We Do n't Care ’ T-shirt , ’ wrote Mr Barrett .
15 And it 's great to see it carry on .
16 Under-age sides are entitled to their share of the cake and it 's encouraging to see a spread of this cash to help underwrite various competitions . ’
17 There is a major difference and it 's easy to see he was not at all well .
18 And it 's easy to see why critical acclaim was so forthcoming .
19 ‘ It is the course my soul loves best , ’ says golf writer Bernard Darwin , and it 's easy to see why .
20 Nestle are n't telling — and it 's easy to see why .
21 Now , I 've got some of your demos back and it 's easy to see where the problem lies .
22 Add to that McIvor 's powerful shooting and it 's easy to see why the Coleraine faithful are pinning their hopes on him .
23 Add to that the probability of either Britain 's first black Tory MP , or the first Liberal Democrat gain of election night and it 's easy to see why Cheltenham has grabbed the imagination of the political pundits .
24 The pelargoniums we grow are derived from wild species native to South Africa , and it 's interesting to see some of these plants in Hazel 's collection .
25 And obviously we would want to take money out of reserves , our original amendment took one point three million pounds out of reserves and it 's interesting to see now that you 're suggesting almost that figure again and yet for years you 've been telling us you ca n't take this money out of the reserves , er you know we had to keep it for a rainy day .
26 But let's hope the piana is only an upright : it would be a shame if the child who wants an organ has to go without and it 's hard to see how Santa would manage with a Steinway grand .
27 Almost identical characters ( played there by William Baldwin and Charlie Sheen ) were central to Backdraft and The Rookie , two of the least impressive films of last year , and it 's hard to see why anyone thought the idea was worth doing even once .
28 It strikes me as a great idea , and it 's hard to see how they can lose when you consider that 2000AD magazine sells 300,000 copies a week .
29 Currently the Tories hold twenty three seats , Labour seventeen , and twenty two for the Liberal Democrats , and it 's hard to see tomorrow 's vote allowing any party to take the thirty two seats needed for outright control .
30 The 26-valve GTi pales into insignificance against this car and it 's difficult to see how the three-door Rallye road car could convincingly better this Golf stablemate .
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