Example sentences of "[coord] in [noun sg] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And in addition we now know that Stratton was in Didcot most of that afternoon .
2 Polar bears for example will occasionally throw lumps of ice or rocks at seals while hunting them , and in captivity they regularly throw objects around , apparently in play .
3 You can now do this and in fact its very easy .
4 And in fact they never made it to the man 's house in the country that night , because Boy made him stop the car twice more .
5 And in fact we even er I 'm not sure whether this is still in operation , but we even give them an idea of the categories .
6 What is now holding sway in the super-ego is , as it were , a pure culture of the death instincts , and in fact it often enough succeeds in driving the ego into death , if the latter does not fend off its tyrant in time by the change round into mania .
7 He could he was a brilliant machinist and er oh crikey I 've seen him turn out a a three throw er crankshaft within a couple of days er you know without any precise measuring and and and in fact he just sort of put his roll on on on a on the shaft he was turning and just sort of gave him an idea as to I mean his eye was almost as good as many a bloke 's measur measurement with a rule .
8 Others soon followed : Shaba , Morani , Rongai , Amboni ; and in time they successfully mated and produced still more rhinos .
9 This not only provides an excellent summary of recreational use ( since it is based on a 1977 home-interview survey of 5,040 respondents ) ( Countryside Commission , 1982 ) but in addition it also provides an explanation for any deviation from the curve , as shown in Figure 7.3a theoretically , and in Figure 7.3b in practice .
10 Everyone else thought the decisions had been made but in fact we totally re-did that season 's collection in a waiting room at Brussels airport , just the two of us . ’
11 My blue period officially ends when we have a big leaving party for Kathleen and Katrina in a couple of days ' time but in fact it probably ends just about now .
12 This has created a long period of uncertainty , but in fact it now appears that they do not grant core funding ( and inside information indicates that the NCC element is the dominant one ) .
13 In theory they do but in practice they never have .
14 At times Pareto and Mosca both described elite rule as the dominance of those best at governing over the non-elite or masses , but in practice they quickly dropped the assumption that the governing elite is always a genuine aristocracy ( the rule of the best ) .
15 This , of course , will use up space on the memory card , but in practice you probably would n't save too many versions of the pattern , as too many stitches between the repeats will lead to long floats on the reverse side of the knitting .
16 Builders should ensure that the ‘ vapour barrier ’ is intact , but in practice it never is .
17 The psychologists attempted to polarise various issues such as massed versus spaced learning , whole versus part learning and transfer of training which had some face validity in appearing to identify general principles , but in practice it always seemed that the generalities vanished into the enormous variety of specific issues .
18 The term is used to cover different types of situation but in practice it usually refers to the danger to old people 's health and safety which may arise when they live alone and are very frail , either physically , mentally or both .
19 It 's great in theory , but in practice it sometimes does n't work .
20 But in prison he perhaps recaptured some of his lost knighthood in telling the heroic stories of the Round Table .
21 Competitions for practical designs usually imply that prizewinning entries will find their way into the market , but in reality they often fail to find a manufacturer .
22 He was nominally learning the business , when I got there ; but in reality he never soiled his hands .
23 Once again they 'd reached an impasse , but in truth it really did n't matter .
24 He was an ungallant swine for deliberately not coming to her aid , but in truth he really wanted to see which of the likely lads , would dash forward .
25 A distant part of her mind wondered if she 'd ever be able to look at this man and not want him , but in truth she already knew the answer .
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