Example sentences of "[coord] in [art] [noun sg] had " in BNC.

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1 Doyle had taken over from an unsuccessful coach and in no time had turned everything round .
2 He turned to a small cabinet mounted high on the kitchen wall , and in a moment had presented her with a glass of water and two white capsules that she swallowed obediently and not without relief .
3 It seemed a strange assumption because Allison was known chiefly as a Fairlight programming expert and in the past had worked mainly with mainstream artistes like Elkie Brookes .
4 The Beacon had been in existence for many years and in the past had catered for up to thirty children with a wide range of disabilities and needs .
5 Thomas Hardy , of an older generation , had implicitly claimed to be , and in the event had proved to be , a profoundly Virgilian poet .
6 They were tough , dedicated to family and home , sans frills or fanciful ideas , and in the main had no time for self-pity nor hysteria .
7 He liked swimming too and in the summer had built a raft , but it had disintegrated in the middle of the river while he and the twins had been sitting on it .
8 He shuddered and replaced the glasses , before describing how he had spent a sleepless night worrying what he should do and in the morning had made up his mind to tackle MacQuillan again .
9 We had a late luncheon , cold fowl and a salad got up by Liza , walked in the Park in the afternoon , worked , and in the evening had a dish of warm milk and white bread , sprinkled with sugar , quite as Wordsworth himself might have done .
10 In effect , the uneasy pluralist consensus had been pushed into crisis through pressures of growth , and in the process had revealed the political basis of the underlying conflict .
11 The Green Paper showed that ten declarations had been made by the Certification Officer upholding complaints , but in no case had the complainant then sought an enforcement order from the
12 He had ended his own life , but in the cold had remained crouched , his hand resting on the hilt of the blade which he had pushed into his heart .
13 James decided to concentrate his efforts on subduing Londonderry , but in the end had to ride back , damp and disappointed , to Dublin , where , on 26 April , as he wrote in his memoirs , ‘ he found the arms not arrived from Cork , Kinsale or Waterford ; and that in the arsenal nothing had been done for preparing of tools ’ .
14 They were distinctly unenthusiastic at the prospect , but in the end had little option — the independents simply have to have something with which to challenge the BBC .
15 He also looked likely to join Sheffield Wednesday at one stage but in the end had to settle for First Division Newcastle .
16 Not only had her clever plan discredited the young man whom Beth had set her heart on , but in the process had driven Richard 's daughter to her knees .
17 He went on to propose a Rainbow Curriculum — without actually reading it first — which tried to teach tolerance for all , but in the process had to discuss homosexuality with kids of eight .
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