Example sentences of "[coord] a [noun sg] [prep] british " in BNC.

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1 At any moment , I thought , these people will remove their green hats to reveal powdered wigs , and I will be sentenced to life imprisonment or a job with British Rail .
2 The following year Graham Greene , having struggled to write a script from Galsworthy 's Twenty-One Days — about a murderer who killed himself and an innocent man who was hanged for the suicide 's crime — within BBFC rules that forbade the representation of either suicide or a failure of British justice , joined with J. B. Priestley , Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells in speaking out against the censorship system .
3 Past colleagues of mine who are still serving in the Royal Navy tell me that she is an outstanding success and a tribute to British shipbuilding .
4 In a wide-ranging foreign affairs debate he reaffirmed the Government 's ‘ total rejection of the Khmer Rouge ’ and announced humanitarian aid for Cambodia and a visit by British officials to Phnom Penh .
5 The vital contribution is to progress towards a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty , and a moratorium on British tests would be a significant sign of commitment to that . ’
6 The Islamic fundamentalists sentenced to death for their part in the killing of Gloucester nurse , Sharon Hill , who died in Egypt , after the bus she and a party of British tourists were travelling in , was ambushed .
7 Stuart Balmforth , with whom I 'd done part of my National Service in the Canal Zone , was now the co-owner and a director of British Midland .
8 Peter Wood is a computer specialist by training ; IBM and a number of British companies all figure in his background .
9 Tunisia is probably the most popular , and a number of British yachts are wintering here despite the Gulf crisis .
10 There 's , we have a lot of Australians teaching over there , a lot of Canadian and a lot of British as well
11 Now that 's something we in England , in Britain I should say , are not particularly aware of , but a lot of British artists who are very well known on the Continent , that in Britain would seem , you know , too avant-garde to be known to the wider public .
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