Example sentences of "[coord] the [noun sg] [prep] british " in BNC.

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1 One writer has made the observation : ‘ To study either nationalism or the press in British West Africa is to study the other . ’
2 Yet amid the babble over Scottish devolution , poll tax , or the privatisation of British Rail , it is occasionally worth raising the question of the values by which we live .
3 John Cole 's column of 24 April ( ‘ It really takes the biscuit ’ ) , which counterposed reports of famine ( in Sudan , again , and Zimbabwe ) with the domestic political ‘ babble ’ over ‘ Scottish devolution , poll tax , or the privatisation of British Rail ’ , brought similar complaints .
4 Instructional holidays likewise can be traced through the British Horse Society or the Association of British Riding Schools .
5 erm what this gives us an opportunity to do is to further exploit and promote erm the English , or the sort of British holiday , and this is why we are sort of working on the theme ‘ Britain 's great ’ , because a lot of people have yet to discover various parts of Britain and there are all sorts of holidays , you know , across Britain , from Land 's End to County Antrim , from Loch Ness to London Town .
6 PRINCE Michael of Kent has attacked plans to build a car park on an historic aviation site and the birthplace of British motor sport .
7 Prince 's plea : Prince Michael of Kent has launched an attack on plans to build a car park at Brooklands in Surrey an historic aviation site and the birthplace of British motor sport .
8 When formulating its eventual recommendations , the National Consultative Group will have to take into account two essential differences between agriculture and the rest of British industry : it is for the most part composed of relatively small-scale and highly efficient enterprises employing limited numbers of men and women working in relative isolation from one another ; and , as we have seen , the boundaries between the craftsman and technician in agriculture are shifting and difficult , if not impossible , to define .
9 Incentive effects of top executive pay and the performance of British companies
10 De La Rozière was instructed to collect information about arsenals , shipyards and the location of British troops as well as to survey the coast between the Thames estuary and Cornwall .
11 By January 1928 the preparatory negotiations were going on between the TUC and the Confederation of Employers Organizations and the Federation of British Industries , the two main employers ' organisations .
12 For the UK this means that the run-down of many sectors of manufacturing is treated as if it is unconnected with the policies of successive UK governments , with the qualities of management and the character of British trade unionism .
13 The Die-hards were opposed to the rise of a socialist Labour party and militant trade unionism , which they saw as a revolutionary threat to property and the stability of British society .
14 He added : ‘ As a result of the enormous loss of taxpayers ' money involved , Michael Heseltine and the chairman of British Coal should certainly resign . ’
15 These include environmental improvement projects ; the creation of cultural infrastructure such as the Merseyside Maritime Museum , the Tate Gallery of the North and Granada TV 's News Centre in Liverpool 's Albert Dock ; urban-road projects , such as improving the A13 in east London and the building of a new Black Country spinal road ; and the formation of British Urban Development ( BUD ) , backed by eleven construction and engineering companies that will realize profits from management fees and the sale of developed sites .
16 County sponsors Bass ( Senior and U21 ) and the trio of British Nuclear Fuels , Thistle Hotels and Morton International ( colts ) were guests of the Lancashire RFU with RFU President Danie Serfontein and Lancashire Past President Eddie Deacey proposing and replying to the principal toast .
17 Levi 's survey ( Levi 1986 ) put the figure at 1 billion losses , with recorded offences rising annually at 5 per cent , and the Confederate of British Industry estimates that computer crime runs at an annual figure of 25 to 30 million .
18 Design improvements and the competitiveness of British products
19 To mark the award , organised by the British Clothing Industry Association and the Guild of British Tie Makers , Mr Pearce received a new suit , shirt and tie at a London hotel .
20 The colour and style of our shopping centres , and the liveliness of British street fashion .
21 We are now plainly operating on a Deutschmark standard , and the rise in British base rate to 15 per cent was dictated by the rise in German rates .
22 Autoworld at the Patrick Collection , the National sic Mortorcycle Museum , and the Museum of British Road Transport at Coventry for motor vehicles .
23 During the Plague , the British Council 's first ever audio fair for the teaching of the English language and the spread of British culture was grinding to its excruciating end .
24 Having indirectly and inadvertently brought Asian women to Britain , the racism of the state and the racism of British society now defines the wider position of Asian women in this country — as the lowest paid and most exploited workers , or as the wives and daughters of such workers — an unstable and unacceptable situation full of conflict and contradictions .
25 As the movement and the significance of British fascism owed so much to Sir Oswald Mosley , and as he increasingly came to see himself as the political spokesman for the lost generation and the survivors of the First World War , it is the impact of that event I want to examine first .
26 In most other matters , since 1945 , Britain has been effectively a dependent state , whether in peace or in war , and the dominance of British fiction across the world is unmatched by almost everything else , though some might hopefully seek exceptions in education , broadcasting and financial services like marine insurance .
27 Pares published extensively in a series of monographs illuminating various aspects of his chosen field , the role of the West Indies in the development of the British Empire , and the determination of British international policy during the eighteenth century : his pioneering investigations ranged widely over questions of war and trade and international law .
28 In a letter to Peter Brooke , Secretary of State at the Department of National Heritage , the Council for the protection of Rural England and the Council for British Archaeology have joined their voices to that of the National Trust in calling for a public review of the new strategy .
29 As well as this donation , British Telecom have produced three special Phonecards depicting the otter , barn own and red squirrel in order to help raise awareness of both the appeal and the plight of British wildlife .
30 As well as this donation , British Telecom have produced three special Phonecards depicting the otter , barn own and red squirrel in order to help raise awareness of both the appeal and the plight of British wildlife .
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