Example sentences of "[coord] that [det] of the " in BNC.

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1 If I could not reassure her by telling her Neil was there , and watching , it was possible , more , probable , that she would insist either on my moving into a lodging in the village , or that some of the men from the village would keep watch on Otters ' Bay and the empty house .
2 There will then be all sorts of rumours buzzing through servants ' halls up and down the country to the effect that he has been approached by this or that personage or that several of the highest houses are competing for his services with wildly high wages .
3 The worse criticism , of course , is not that Carpenter 's Gothic was cheap nor that most of the styles chosen were imitative but that it did no good .
4 In November 1990 the Ministry of Defence announced that not all of the 500,000-strong personnel of the NVA could be absorbed by the Bundeswehr , and that little of the large stock of weapons and munitions could be of use to the Bundeswehr .
5 The National Government had been allotted a definite task , and on its completion it is understood that Parliament should be dissolved as soon as circumstances permit , and that each of the parties should be left free to place its policy before the electors for their approval .
6 If there was some other difficulty in obtaining all the required signatories to the election within the time limit and the Revenue had been notified of this and that each of the signatories had decided to make an election within the time limit , a late election will be accepted .
7 There can be no doubt that twenty-two years is a sounder regnal length for Penda than either ten or thirty and that neither of the two latter present a significant challenge to Bede 's figure .
8 Among many activists there was a feeling that the PLO leadership had become the property of the Palestinian middle classes in the diaspora and that many of the leadership led relatively luxurious lives , insulated from the realities of nation building as these were experienced under occupation .
9 It took people a long time to understand that Education had a much broader view on Channel 4 , and that many of the things that would elsewhere have been informational , or features or factual , would actually find a home in my lot , rather than in Liz 's .
10 Melanie Henwood in her chapter on healthcare emphasises that old age itself is not a disease and that many of the conditions associated with it are neither inevitable or universal .
11 It is not perhaps generally realised that this practice began as early as the late seventeenth century and that many of the splendid coloured aquatint books of the nineteenth century first reached the public in this way .
12 The argument developed in this chapter is that insider dealing is undesirable and ought to be regulated at all levels ; that the prohibition of the practice has a rational basis ; and that many of the arguments advanced by those who favour unfettered insider dealing are seriously flawed .
13 Punch itself laboured the irony : ‘ We understand that a survey has already been made and that many of the inhabitants along the line have expressed their readiness to place their coal cellars at the disposal of the company .
14 " We then proceeded with the examination of the boys in the presence of the Mayor and several Ladies and Gentlemen of the Town , Mr. Prescott [ sic ] the Rector of Stockport being the Examiner ; and considering the recent re-endowment and establishment of the School , and that many of the children when first admitted were unable to read , and the majority very backward in their learning , we have much pleasure in reporting that the result of this first public examination was very satisfactory and that it was apparent that the Master and Usher had faithfully discharged their duties . "
15 In both studies the authors emphasised that most of the pyloric stenoses could have been diagnosed clinically and that many of the imaging studies performed were not only unnecessary but also not cost effective .
16 It is a tenable hypothesis that Bayezid II did indeed set a pattern and that many of the later foundations involving a joint muderris/muftilik were made simply in imitation of his precedent , though their effect might have been to create an official muftilik where none had existed before or to upgrade an existing muftilik ( which latter may well have been Bayezid II's intention in Amasya and Istanbul ) .
17 Is he aware that Britain receives almost half the total investment coming into Europe from the United States of America and Japan and that many of the companies involved have the good sense to choose Wolverhampton and the rest of the west midlands ?
18 Of these 133 new Majlis members , it was estimated that some 55 were supporters of Rafsanjani and that many of the remainder were reported to be independent candidates likely to align themselves with the President 's faction .
19 It has been argued that very few electors usually read them and that many of the commitments made do not enjoy widespread support among voters , even among those voting for the parties that issued them .
20 Add to this the fact that our universities and practically all our major cultural institutions are run by English people , and that many of the executive posts in local government and other organisations are occupied by them , and it will be clear that Scotland is rapidly being colonised , indeed being turned into an extension of England .
21 This is despite the fact that according to the law report the police officers did not know to which specific pits the pickets were travelling and that some of the evidence of violence on which the police officers relied was that which they had gathered from press and television reports .
22 But when due allowance has been made for the very various functions of castles , as administrative and social as well as military centres , it remains true that they were formidable military weapons , and that some of the most remarkable technological advances of the twelfth century were made in the improvement of siege engines and of a castle 's defences .
23 Changing to drive C revealed that the hard disk works satisfactorily with a DIR and that some of the software I use requires DOS 3 or higher .
24 Differences between the studies include the fact that Canadian workers ‘ receive a substantial proportion ( 20–40% ) of their total exposure as an internal dose ( largely due to tritium ) , ’ that workers in Ontario did not have the types of chemical exposure received by the Sellafield workers , and that some of the control fathers with high doses were uranium miners .
25 Lautro later accepted that some of the facts alleged were not correct and that some of the allegations must be qualified .
26 It is strange that I can find no reference to these beans in Peggy Earl 's " Tales of Islay " because it was she who told me that they were sometimes called " fairy eggs " and that some of the more wealthy people had them set in silver mounts to wear round their necks .
27 It is strange that I can find no reference to these beans in Peggy Earl 's " Tales of Islay " because it was she who told me that they were sometimes called " fairy eggs " and that some of the more wealthy people had them set in silver mounts to wear round their necks .
28 Perhaps the hon. Gentleman is aware that the economy of the Soviet Union is in a confused state and that some of the other countries have heavy debt burdens .
29 He reckons some of the maths questions would cause problems for second year pupils at secondary level , that the paper calls for a high reading standard and that some of the questions could be ambiguous .
30 Innocent had insisted that the application should be accompanied by the depositions of sworn witnesses and that some of the witnesses should appear in person at the curia .
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