Example sentences of "[coord] that [pron] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 If all this had to be summed up in one sentence I suppose it would have to be that Wittgenstein 's treatment of the ‘ Other Minds ’ problem is an extended illustration of a point in philosophical logic : namely , that the meaningfulness of some of the things we say is dependent on contingent facts of nature — such as that the Earth revolves on its axis , and that we moan with pain and react as we do to others who moan .
2 It may be that we secretly admire those who attempt to ‘ beat the system ’ , and that we sympathise with the underdog .
3 In the same way it is essential that we await the results of that questionnaire and that we discuss with the District Council the long term redevelopment of that airfield and so I think it would be more helpful in expressing our concern of course about the decision and version of it which I will admit came as a shock because my understanding was they would be there for two , three , or four years yet .
4 It is known that the Lombard King Alboin brought his army and then his people on to the plain in 568 , and that they met with little resistance as the Goths had almost vacated the area by that time .
5 We have taken all reasonable and proper steps to ensure that proper arrangements have been made for all the holidays which are advertised in this brochure and for excursions as described above and that the suppliers of the various services which will be provided to you as part of the inclusive holiday are efficient , safe and reputable businesses , and that they comply with the local and national laws and regulations of the country in which they provide those services .
6 The centre 's premises , resources and facilities are appropriate to the total number of candidates enrolled and that they comply with the relevant Health and Safety legislation .
7 Experience has shown that they call for more work from officials , and that they meet with resistance from officials ( see Jenkins , 1978 ) .
8 It is very sad to report that the entire actuarial staff of the Society was in bed before midnight and that everyone appeared with rosy complexion and clear eyes the following morning …
9 This has not prevented accusations that Bantam shamefully exploited my illness and that I cooperated with this by allowing my picture to appear on the cover .
10 These data suggest that the state 's contribution of resources to elderly households through the provision of support services is , for most services , not substantial and that it varies with the type of household .
11 Having recognized that form is a reflection of the underlying energy pattern and that it interacts with it , it is possible for the best sites to be found .
12 The talks had been postponed in February because the government claimed that the CNGSB had not defined its position , that its delegation contained no leaders " with full powers to commit all parties " , and that it persisted with attacks on oil installations and townships .
13 The predictions are supported by evidence that male dwarfism is an evolutionary strategy in solitary , sedentary animals , that it evolves in low population densities ( high search costs ) , and that it correlates with a female-biased adult sex ratio ( reduced male competition ) .
14 The key stages of preparation are to become familiar with all the facts as recorded in key documents , for example correspondence , meeting records , site measurements , wage sheets and plant invoices try to agree the facts with the engineer and/or contractor check the claim is in order with respect to time and/or documentation and that it complies with the contract
15 But our ‘ yes ’ is necessary , the ‘ yes ’ of faith which is ‘ the empty hand that we hold out to Christ and that he fills with himself , and the impulse and strength to stretch out the hand comes from the Spirit . ’
16 These details make it clear that Beveridge regarded young workers as constituting a separate source of labour supply which required specialized provision and that he agreed with the ASEA and the ‘ boy labour ’ reformers in wishing to see the transition from school to work treated as an educational matter ( though not necessarily one controlled by the Board of Education ) .
17 Some of Lakatos 's writings indicate that he wished to defend a position something like the one I have labelled rationalism , and that he viewed with horror the position I have labelled relativism , a version of which he attributed to Kuhn .
18 Within minutes , he has told me he will be seeing the PM this afternoon , and that he dined with Mrs Thatcher the previous evening .
19 Well , I suggest that Toby arranges to be on the trip and that you go with him , either as his close friend or in your professional capacity as a caddie , or a bit of both . ’
20 He discovered that her name was Bathsheba Everdene , and that she lived with her aunt , Mrs Hurst .
21 What Mr Major should have said , if he was intent on justifying his decision , was that many of the executions were grotesque by any civilised standards , but that they accorded with the code of discipline that was in force at the time .
22 He contests that petty commodity production is a separate mode of production from the capitalist one , but that it articulates with it to facilitate the expanded reproduction of the capitalist mode ( Quijano 1974 ) .
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