Example sentences of "[coord] he [vb -s] [adv prt] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 he , he , he , he said hard , right , so he can fucking , he said I 'll , I 'll take these and the first man that comes up fucking bashes it and then James er John James gets them all and when he wakes up , just as he 's about to wake up John James thinks right and he fucking lays down on the ground and he wakes up and sees all these clowns all over the place
2 And eventually you you either do and he drives off and nearly runs into rams into a lamppost or something like that on his way when he 's finally given up , or else sometimes as I say they get together and er everything 's hunkydory .
3 Althusser is emphatic that the means of production are just as essential to the fashioning of theoretical products as to something like shoemaking , which plainly requires leather , tools , etc. , and he points out that the Marxist concept of labour is in this sense irreducibly material .
4 He has helped to construct specially tailored mortgage services to exploit the low cost of housing and he points out that after the Woolwich developed its property services division in Kent , its second area of development was in Northern Ireland .
5 And he points out that on the day in question , there were several serious emergencies , including the case of an eight year old boy who died .
6 And he gets up and sees the situation and remember , he said , Jesus was n't out for joy ride , he was n't just passing an evening relaxing and unwinding and resting away from the crowd , he had gone into the boat for a purpose , he was going to the other side , and no storm was gon na stop him getting there !
7 And he gets up and he goes get off !
8 So anyway , after fucking weeks and weeks and weeks I had come out to me one day , and Mr came out and he said to me he had a wee bucket and shovels and he says er bring me down to the first floor so I opened to let him out and he gets out and he says to me , now take her half way between the first and second floor and stop her .
9 Then the private car rolls to a stop , and he gets off and walks back to Cartier . ’
10 I think erm Winston Churchill when he went for his Eton exam or the entrance exam to Eton or something and erm y'know they asked some question and he and he goes on and erm after five minutes he wrote his name , very neatly , right ?
11 yeah , that 's good , he gets people out the audience and he goes out and about and sort of meets people with talent and gets them to do singing and that
12 The window 's shut and he turns round and looks at me .
13 but , but , you know if say well look , you know , we could do with twenty five and he turns round and he might say well you know , yo he might say no
14 that 's , that 's gon na happen and the fellows go along with it like when Tony first decided to move and that I thought oh great he 's found a place back in Basingstoke you know , we went and looked at them and everything and he turns round and changes his mind or he 's in the , you know he 's worried or nervous
15 It was late at night and I decided , I was just sort of talking I 'd say , I ca n't get rid of this headache , and I do n't know what I 'm gon na do , I do n't whether I should just not worry about it cos I 'm not that old , and I was really pouring my heart out to him , and he turns round and he says , yeah , you need a new clutch you really need a new clutch .
16 That Vega bloke and he jumps up and things .
17 She has affairs with other men and he finds out and flicks her . ’
18 There 's one at Kentish Town , a businessman who smokes big fat cigars like this and he 's half finished them and he throws them on the train and when the doors open no-one clears out the way and he steps on and he 's such as bastard
19 Khor , he said it was some guy they know in Spiderglass itself — you know , they pay him and he sneaks out and does it right here .
20 At night sometimes I 'm sleeping and I put me hand like that and he comes up and lays right across the back of my pillow .
21 If I do n't put that light on and he comes in and puts the light on , I wake up just like that .
22 And he rolls over and then he sort of put his legs up .
23 Father would leave , but he stays on and stays on out of fear of what will happen to you .
24 In an interview in the magazine Director to be published this week , Dr Runcie denies that there are ‘ tensions and suspicions ’ between Lambeth Palace and 10 Downing Street , but he points out that the Church of England is active in parts of the country where the Conservative Party has little support .
25 Wrangham comments : ‘ We may thus find the first evidence that so-called abnormal sexual behaviour may have a biological function ’ ; but he points out that a number of issues need to be resolved .
26 But he points out that recent high points must be put into context : ‘ The current colour magazine campaign began in 1980 and is as strong now as then . ’
27 But he points out that what decided the issue was Peter 's laying the irrefutable facts of the matter before them so that ‘ when they heard this their doubts were silenced ’ .
28 But he points out that if satyāgraha is used in an unjust cause then only the person who uses it suffers .
29 But he points out that recent government pronouncements suggest the squeeze is to be put on public spending once more .
30 Maybe so , but he splashes out when he gets there .
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