Example sentences of "[coord] for [noun] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 And for Carl Stottor the programme confirmed that Nilsen was no longer a man to be feared .
2 The American Library Association also endorsed the document and published it in 1920 , and for twenty.five years the Certain Standards were acclaimed as the basis of all school library accreditation in the United States .
3 And for Lennie Lawrence the prospects at Boro look good .
4 If for Althusserians and poststructuralists the signifier has become material ( a referent ) , then for the surrealists and for Walter Benjamin the material ( referent ) became signifier .
5 In any case rail rates were high and for coal transport the canals seemed a logical proposition , especially at a time of economic recession .
6 When a solute is dissolved in a liquid , scattering from a volume element again arises from liquid inhomogeneities , but now an additional contribution from fluctuations in the solute concentration is present and for polymer solutions the problem is to isolate and measure these additional effects .
7 Now the couple enjoy a less hectic lifestyle and for Mr Jefferson the highlight of the day is receiving The Northern Echo .
8 And for Jackson Pollock the champion , always fearful of losing , Lee was at last the judge he could trust .
9 For hydrotherapy a similar sum and for speech therapy the sum of two hundred and twenty five pounds per annum , totalling three thousand seven hundred and sixty one pounds per annum .
10 Britain usually send six or seven for the relay team but for Los Angeles the selectors decided to rely on the sprinters that had been picked for the individual events .
11 But for Brother Luke the incense and gowns were't enough , he needed somewhere to worship as well .
12 Mr Grovey likes to appear cool and trendy ( as do most teachers under thirty ) , but for Mr Grovey the attempt at an up-to-date image is ruined by his liking for wearing highly patterned , sleeveless pullovers of the sort seen hanging in charity shops the length and breadth of Britain .
13 ‘ The CEGB is required to use ‘ the best practicable means ’ , ’ he noted , but for power stations the Inspectorate specified no FGD technology .
14 But for Miss Mates the ‘ really truly ’ was the icing on the cake , even if she had more doubts about Sally-Anne 's stamina than her missing references .
15 But for de Man the difference between literature and criticism is delusive , and writing about a book is no less a process of invention than writing about an imaginary world .
16 It is often seen in competition , but for safety reasons the heel strike is substituted for the sole of the foot .
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