Example sentences of "[coord] i be i [be] " in BNC.

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1 And with this in mind and I 'm I 'm you will notice that I have n't spoken at all and that is quite deliberate on my part but then I can also say the same for many people sitting round here who know quite well that they have n't spoken either .
2 The , I mean , how long have to be , have we to , er and I 'm I 'm disgusted with Edinburgh that nobody has phoned in on this sort of point !
3 I think it was one of the best in the country , and I 'm I 'm serious about that .
4 Erm and I 'm I 'm happy to include the number that there theoretically are .
5 and I 'm I 'm yeah and I 'm I 've got a new mob er a new
6 Well you 've just you 've just er allow you 've just said something that allows me er to bring in er the way in which we approach advertising sales er Robert because er all of us who 've been in tra traditional sales , and I 'm I 'm just er that was my background as well er in addition to recruitment , er we are not used to giving everything over the phone before we go to see the people .
7 So he came in and he , he , he said I 'm just going down to see 's father , he 's just smashed the glass in the cold frame and I 'm I 'm sick of this !
8 And I 'm I 'm I I 'm I 'm delighted er I shall be encouraging them to pay up promptly .
9 And I 'm I 'm when I wrote to Marion I said , er I 'm ge I am getting the most terrible withdrawal symptoms !
10 And I were I was doing the job there th that 's how I started on working on shore .
11 And and I was I was in in the grocery on Monday morning but erm we were go through a pack of you know .
12 Well I was going to but I was I was hoping to get some news on er summer cruise cos I 'm gon na do a whole sales department down in swops and changes first
13 But I were I were upset about that , you know .
14 But I 'm I 'm not here to teach you how to do the pitch .
15 Now the first disappointment in that respect was the appointment Now I may be wrong but I 'm I 'm I 'm s I think I 'm right here the appointment of the chairman of the railway executive , that 's what it was first called .
16 Erm , going to somehow , at the moment we 're thinking of well Jean 'll wan na do it , but I 'm I 'm thinking of doing some kind of I mean , we 're agreed on what we 're gon na do , but it 's how we do it , I want some ka er , some kind of grilling around the top , the cocktail bar area , so you can open it as a , as a bar , and it 'll have a sort of atmosphere in itself , so we open that as a pub type of thing , you know .
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