Example sentences of "[coord] i [modal v] [not/n't] think " in BNC.

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1 You must let me do that or I ca n't think of rejoining you . ’
2 This is a ‘ stage ’ guitar , after all , and I ca n't think of anyone who actually prefers to hang their strap from a machinehead .
3 But it helps to give the band our own sound , and I ca n't think of anyone else in the whole world that 's doing it . ’
4 And I ca n't think how she does either . ’
5 ‘ She is not the sort to lie about something like this and I ca n't think of a reason why she would , ’ said Christopher Grenside , 85 .
6 Brussels sprouts , baked potatoes , grated cheese , the variation of vegetables in the summer , a tin of vegetarian steak pudding on Sundays and a piece of fruit afterwards is a monotonous but healthy diet , and I ca n't think of many cheaper ways to feed two children and feel you 're doing your best for them at the same time .
7 I 've been as far a a places as far apart as the presbytery of erm Annandale and Esdale which is to , what to south of Scotland , erm and I ca n't think of any corresponding place erm in the north but there have been places in the north that I 've also gone to , and this is my donor card .
8 It 's a relief when the Terrorist Squad boys seem to lose interest but that still leaves all the rest and I ca n't think I ca n't think straight I ca n't sleep .
9 You know there 's something at the back of my mind about that Datsun and I ca n't think what it is . ’
10 And I ca n't think that you 'd come round at this time of day just for a chat . "
11 She took a sip of her coffee and said , ‘ You seem to be making quite an issue of my not telling you , and I ca n't think why — especially if , as you say , you hardly knew Elise . ’
12 And I ca n't think of a more appropriate place for you . ’
13 ‘ Anyway , ’ said Pooley , ‘ if her evidence is to be believed , and I ca n't think of any reason why it should n't be , the lamp was quite safe at two-thirty that afternoon .
14 It was n't left there and I ca n't think what the chances are of finding it in a place this size .
15 So wh what I 'm saying is erm , our modern view , the consequence of this is our modern view of evolution and I ca n't think of a better way to illustrate it than this , is that organisms ultimately are , can really been seen , rather like this .
16 You and the good doctor are thick as thieves , and I ca n't think of a better man for you . ’
17 said one , talking about one of the dresses and that meant it was really awful and I ca n't think what
18 yeah , I find that , that I 've done it and I 've written down the answer and then I ca n't think which number does it go to , and by the time I 've got to number one they 're on about six , so I might as well , I 'm lost it completely , so I ca n't do that either and my project work , course work , goes towards certain percent of my marks and I ca n't think for the life of me why
19 Ca n't think why and I ca n't think why they should think they must n't go on Pan Am cos Pan Am are a target
20 What you want to go interfering for she burst out , leave me and my family alone , little busy body always sticking your nose into other people 's affairs , Daryl 's temper flared up , I do n't she said , you gua rd your tongue Sally , I never meant to interfere and I ca n't think what all the fuss is about , either you have a sister or you have n't , I do n't care .
21 And I ca n't think what it was .
22 And I ca n't think of anybody .
23 Unfortunately for a while my attendance at church was very patchy and I would n't think about the church or God for weeks on end .
24 And I wo n't think , said Fenella , even for an instant , that the Robe might not be here , that the Robemaker might need to return to weave it on the great Silver Looms .
25 However , she did it well , and I should n't think the butcher ever quite forgot the lady with the red hair .
26 They do it on purpose ; it adds to the excitement , and I should n't think they get much of that . ’
27 Erm , I intend to brief because A because everyone has got in front of them a very very thorough and I should n't think there are too many questions that people would want to ask .
28 If you will , yes , this is it , yes Erm , between ten and up to fifteen , you 're an A two , and five to ten , you 're a B one , and below five is a B two , and I should n't think there 's a single B two in the room .
29 I knew I 'd seen you before and I could n't think where . ’
30 And I could n't think of anywhere else .
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