Example sentences of "[coord] i [adv] see [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Bella and me both saw him . ’
2 And I just saw myself washing it while he sat in the bath .
3 And I also saw you this afternoon . ’
4 Anna and I both saw it .
5 ‘ My parents only told me a bit about them , ’ said Creggan , ‘ and I only saw one once when a pair came close to my homesite and my mother attacked them .
6 The neighbours do n't have nothing to do with me and I only see me mam once a week or so .
7 ‘ I expect he cursed me when he cursed Pat , only I was so healthy the effect was delayed , or perhaps my rotten paintings were the effect , and I only see it now .
8 Sadly I followed his eyes , and I too saw what he saw .
9 I have to say that my approach to teaching mathematics has changed beyond all my expectations and I now see my pupils enquiring and searching for answers themselves .
10 And I often see her walking past with the children on the way to pick up others from the school .
11 Somehow the wild men came and went , and I never saw them .
12 I had had one very close childhood friend , Maeve , but her family had moved to a different part of the country and I never saw her again .
13 I liked her , we were starting to go out , then all this happened and I never saw her again .
14 Erm my mother , we were a little bit better off than they were and er I remember going to a child with my mother , to see what would be my aunt you see and uncle , and the only time I ever remember seeing my aunt with eleven children was sitting at the corner of a table with a sort of a coarse apron on and just sitting there and I never saw her doing anything .
15 ‘ I tell you , I do n't know who he is and I never saw him . ’
16 As Beck recalled , ‘ He came , he slept , he left without making the bed and I never saw him . ’
17 It was a nice , loose relationship , and I never saw him again . ’
18 He seemed austere and I never saw him with a hair out of place , or a button undone , but he had a healthy Dutch appetite .
19 He was in hospital for nearly a month , and I never saw him until the day I got out .
20 I moved here to Blackburn wi' my Arthur in ‘ thirty-seven , and I never saw him again to my knowledge .
21 He went on his way and I never saw him again . ’
22 ‘ Sadly ’ , says Robert , ‘ some of them do get lost during the flight and I never see them again ’ .
23 A friend gave me a mini for scrap , but I immediately saw it as a hippo , so that 's what it became .
24 But I not seen one yet as you might call a proper bleeding accident , if you takes my meaning ? ’
25 I do n't know why but I always see them , I always see them .
26 It looked tall but I only saw it for a moment . ’
27 And I think that 's really sort of all encompassing , but I really see it in that way .
28 I suppose he must have had more orthodox items in his wardrobe but I never saw them .
29 But I never saw her again .
30 I thought it was rather grand to be going to supper on the boat and I wanted her to tell me all about it later but I never saw her again .
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