Example sentences of "[coord] i [vb past] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or I thought I heard these words , for Captain was growling so fiercely , I was n't sure .
2 Yes , why I am asking you or I did I say
3 or I found I preferred men instead . ’
4 I Children 's World and I got I got books .
5 He settled down with a dance student called Jane , then ‘ one day I was sitting with her in a train station and I realised I 'd been staring at a bloke for about ten minutes ’ .
6 You 'd just told me you loved me , and I realised I loved you , too .
7 ‘ We play in the same position and I thought I 'd proved myself last season .
8 One man who took early retirement at 61 thought , at the time , that the advantage of early retirement was ‘ The fact that there are so many young people out of work and I thought I 'd done a lifetime 's work and might as well leave it for the young ones . ’
9 I could n't see anything , and I thought I 'd been stung by ants , but the knee became swollen and blistered and then I noticed tracks like blisters crawling up my leg from my knee , and over the course of months they went crawling up and up and round my leg — terrifying !
10 " I m sorry , Mr Beamish , but he 'll be away all day and I thought I 'd better come along rather than leave it till tomorrow . "
11 ‘ I stopped to make a phone call , and I thought I 'd better drop off some clothes at the dry-cleaner 's . ’
12 Er , I hoped I 'd made clear that if the profits of Pearsons erm er not only if they went down but even if er , there was only a small erm , increase in earnings per share er next year that the the directors ' salaries would be very considerably reduced and I thought I 'd already made that erm , er , directors ' erm remuneration total take home pay would be considerably reduced thought I 'd already made that point .
13 God I were in the market and I thought I 'd better take a bit more wrapping paper and I and I had it I said that 's ten and of course I get on the and I did n't know
14 And I thought I 'd got
15 And I thought I 'd caught it .
16 I nearly brought you down and treat , and I thought I 'd better not until I 've asked your mum .
17 When I auditioned with Mike , he gave me a list of twenty-five songs to work on and I thought I had to learn them all in five days , because we were starting rehearsals only a week later !
18 It grew cold , and I thought I had a fever .
19 Lord Hulton was waiting at the entrance and I thought I had better warn him .
20 Teotihuacan was some twenty kilometres north-east of the centre of Mexico City and I thought I had probably glimpsed those pyramids through the dust haze as we flew in .
21 I never meant it to happen , and I never meant to hurt you , Helen , honestly I did n't but it just kind of happened to me , and I thought I had to tell you , because I did n't want to … to cheat you and so on and I 'm really very fond of you , and I 'm sorry .
22 But I looked to a philosophical point of view more comprehensive even than that of the early Collingwood , and I thought I had found the germ of it in the lectures he delivered in my last year on ‘ Nature and Mind ’ .
23 In previous years I have n't had a class on the and I thought I had one this year as an experiment and er , pardon me just a second hello yes , that was a little annoying to say the least , cos those students have come in specially for that , yeah , yeah yeah yeah yeah right Oh dear right certainly not well , would it be easier to show them in my office , that 's seven , seven , seven ?
24 And we were standing on the end of the house and I thought I had nothing to tie that down with but there were concrete blocks there I had a pile of those in the corner and well it took the whole blooming thing .
25 I had n't seen her since you went to America , and then about six months ago I was staying the week-end with the Coleworthys and I thought I had better drop in to see the old girl in case she heard I was in the neighbourhood and took offence "
26 I went out and saw it a minute ago and I thought I 'd bring it in and I thought I had n't seen you for a couple of days .
27 We have this French woman come in she comes quite often Mrs and she said I 'd like to make an appointme appointment on the she said the eleventh , and I thought I said pardon ?
28 Yeah , she gave me a Crunchie and I thought I bet it 's poison so I broke it in half gave them a bit , watched them eat it , gave it five minutes and then eat mine !
29 We married 18 months later and I thought I knew him fairly well .
30 knowing erm why all the purple cro crocuses good cook and I thought I 've got no
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