Example sentences of "[coord] it is [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It turns out that if I choose a direction and look at the electron 's spin in relation to that direction then either its axis of rotation points along that direction or it is wholly in the reverse direction .
2 ( 3 ) A requirement under this section to provide a specimen of blood or urine can only be made at a police station or at a hospital ; and it can not be made at a police station unless — ( a ) the constable making the requirement has reasonable cause to believe that for medical reasons a specimen of breath can not be provided or should not be required , or ( b ) at the time the requirement is made a device or a reliable device of the type mentioned in subsection ( 1 ) ( a ) above is not available at the police station or it is then for any other reason not practicable to use such a device there , or ( c ) the suspected offence is one under section 4 of this Act and the constable making the requirement has been advised by a medical practitioner that the condition of the person required to provide the specimen might be due to some drug ; but may then be made notwithstanding that the person required to provide the specimen has already provided or been required to provide two specimens of breath .
3 The hair is like Apollo 's , and it is particularly in the incisive detail of the head that one sees how much one loses in the marble .
4 The Clouds are of immense importance to astronomers , and it is partly for this reason that many of the great new telescopes are being set up south of the equator , where the Clouds are accessible .
5 We see her so with Theseus again on a near-contemporary Attic cup ( fig. 98 ) ; and it is presumably in the same role that she dominates the latest and best preserved of all archaic pediments , at the two ends of a temple on Aegina , dedicated to Aphaia , a local deity associated with Artemis rather than Athena .
6 Of course it grows colder as you move away from the equator , and it is rarely above 5°C at latitudes greater than 50 degrees , north or south .
7 The major objective of the whole project was to examine this question , and it is clearly of great relevance , not only to dementia sufferers and their carers , who on the whole are known to prefer the sufferer to remain at home ( see Levin , 1983 ) but also to service-providers and policymakers anxious to explore the extent to which the pressure towards community care can be implemented in practice .
8 Expert clauses very commonly provide that the decision will be final and binding , and it is clearly in the parties ' interests that it should be so .
9 Once you have decided to go the kit route , your first step is to send off a request to several manufacturers for illustrated brochures ( you will find a list of the major manufacturers at the end of the article , and it is also worth checking the Yellow Pages for firms operating in your area ) .
10 The board should be checked for damage especially around the nose and rails , and it is also worth bearing in mind its weight since boards become heavier with age .
11 And it is also worth noting a curious , unsubstantiated but fascinating book , The Jesus Scroll , by an Australian writer , Donovan Joyce .
12 This chapter is about the way in which the existing predicament of teachers leads them to become stressed , and it is also about whether stress is inevitable in such circumstances or not .
13 The University is a member of the Brighton-Hove Chamber of Commerce , and it is also on the Management Board of the local Business Enterprise Agency .
14 It is important of course that the field varies as 1/r2 in that case , and it is also of some use to know the formula for the capacitance of a spherical capacitor but you can work that out yourself if you are interested .
15 This case illustrates the principle of mutuality in contracts and it is also of particular interest with regard to the question of the right of the innocent party to rescind the contract .
16 And it is just over a month since she wept tears of frustration during an arduous visit to the dust and famine of drought-stricken Somalia .
17 If , however , an estate agent in England says , ’ I think that this street of properties is worth £35,000 , or £45,000 or £58,000 ’ and it is just on the borderline between bands , who will get the benefit of the doubt ?
18 What happens in er in genetics and how the genetic code is passed on , is that er this double strand of er this double strand is unzipped as it were , and it is just like a kind of zip fastener in that the teeth are the corresponding bases .
19 Complaints often from cold , damp , penetrating winds and it is principally of use in colds and coughs .
20 Compass errors are an awful nuisance and it is well worth finding out a little about them .
21 Its marbled , fine-grained beef is of very good quality and taste and it is well worth the rather long wait for maturity in spite of the lack of size .
22 There is a small entrance charge and it is well worth a visit .
23 Writers constantly have to deal with this prejudice , and it is well worth remembering this before discussing writing with casual acquaintances .
24 All the earlier comments about characters and standards apply , and it is well worth mentally putting aside some points for magic standards and magic weapons for your characters ( more on magic later ) .
25 Rockhoppers usually come ashore in the evenings and it is well worth a special trip to watch the performance .
26 These windows are very elegant and it is well worth taking the trouble to highlight them by shaping the top of the curtains to fit the curve .
27 It is gutsy stuff , Headline is selling it hard and it is well worth supporting .
28 Lewis Silkin succeeded as Minister and it is largely through his influence that New Towns in Britain gained their significant role in post-war planning .
29 But the tide runs deeper than that , and it is surely at one with the desire to reassert the place of the human figure at the heart of all forms of creative life .
30 And it is surely in keeping with the Kremlin 's efforts to win trust abroad , to remove once and for all an issue which intrudes into every high-level encounter with Sweden .
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