Example sentences of "[coord] it was [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 It was liquid-fuelled with a relatively slow reaction time ( 10 to 15 minutes ) ; and it was to be launched , like the Thors , from unprotected platforms ; but since the original decision had been taken by Sandys to develop Blue Streak , the range and accuracy of Russian missiles had greatly improved .
2 They were now an old married couple and it was to be expected .
3 The two machines , one for Britain and one for France , were handed over and it was to be Bertrand 's responsibility to transport one to Paris and so on to London in the French diplomatic bag .
4 The Eastern Region took a little while longer to dispose of their section north of Pilsley Colliery , and it was to be winter 1967/8 before the contractors arrived at Heath .
5 LONDON , when John Cranko arrived , was suffering the after-effects of an exhausting war , and it was to be several years before the restrictions and shortages were overcome .
6 We had another seven years of rationing to come , though we did n't know it , and it was to be many years before things returned to normal , but the war was over .
7 It was invoked against Henry IV of Germany by the Saxons and the southern dukes ; and it was to be invoked against the English King John long after our period closed .
8 We made the excursion with ‘ the children ’ that had become traditional ; perhaps it was the most beautiful , and it was to be the last .
9 Without a base , then , Mario had only his private ambitions to fulfil , and it was to be some years before he did .
10 However , this remarkable literary work — even given an army of fans as keen as his niece — would not have brought in very much income , nor would the journalism , and it was to be assumed the trust provided the rest .
11 Members heard Beamish tell the audience that Germany was a great country today because Hitler had named the enemy and it was to be hoped that he would soon call an international conference on the question .
12 The demanding business of running for the presidency had shown Carter to be an exceptionally energetic , ambitious and intelligent politician and it was to be expected that he would want to be an activist in the White House — a president who left his mark and fulfilled the commitments he had entered into during the campaign .
13 Mozart , then between 14 and 17 , was still very much under his father 's thumb and it was to be another eight years before he broke free from Salzburg , settled in Vienna and married Constanze Weber .
14 And it was to be within that Union that ‘ Indo-China will enjoy appropriate liberty ’ .
15 And it was to be followed in October by a second and still more menacing contest in another safe seat , South Paddington .
16 In fact , immediately after the launching she was hauled out of the water again and it was to be the following September before she was actually ready , even though an optimistic delivery for June had been promised .
17 The show was called ‘ Designed To Help ’ and it was to be held at the NEC .
18 Tribute was paid to the late 's contribution and it was to be brought to the notice of Divisions that nominations were sought .
19 Putting this principle into operation was to prove more difficult and contentious than may have been foreseen , and it was to be several more years before the CNAA was to consider changes in practice and begin consultations towards a new balance of ‘ minimum of control ’ with the duties imposed by the Charter .
20 But it differed from the earlier plan in its concentration on the inter-city and suburban commuter services for which there was high demand , and it was to be achieved with a falling labour force rather than an expanding one .
21 The first task of working out a method whereby society can be apprehended as a social system for the organization of production , rather than as a structure of consciously realized institutions , is only sketched out in The German Ideology , but it was to be developed in all of Marx 's later work , and it culminated in the analysis of capitalism contained in the three volumes of Capital .
22 This chain of events led to British support of NATO becoming the basis of her Second Pillar of grand strategy , but it was to be another four years , and under Churchill 's last Administration , before it was finally set in concrete with the extension of the Brussels Treaty in the October 1954 .
23 The aftermath is seen , but it was to be several days before the damaged locomotive could be removed .
24 Electrification was first mooted during the early LNER days but it was to be 1954 before the final chapter in the story of Victoria opened .
25 But it was to be completely apart from the real functions of government , and courtiers were neither expected nor permitted to be politicians .
26 But it was to be some considerable time before any more was heard of the letters or of Sir George .
27 The arch was to remain one of the important station motifs but it was to be matched and surpassed by the tower .
28 But it was to be Cardiff and not Oxford , railways and not mathematics .
29 But it was to be some time before he began putting his interest to any practical application .
30 This was an elegant and substantial location for higher education but it was to be only the beginning .
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