Example sentences of "[coord] it could be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What sort of notes what sort of things are you gon na do within your running of training sessions for a group training session or it could be one-to-one does n't really matter .
2 Sometimes we 're se , we 're treating a very sensitive skin , sometimes we 're stre , we 're treating a very dry skin , or it could be dry and sensitive .
3 The hominine character state could either be gorilla-like lengthening of the premaxilla , which is not present in Dryopithecus but is in Graecopithecus , or it could be unlengthened as in Dryopithecus , but in both cases the elongated premaxilla and narrow incisive canal in Graecopithecus could constitute a hominine synapomorphy .
4 Police radio describes how they 're giving up the chase because there are a lot of children about and it could be dangerous .
5 And yesterday Coun ThorneWallis said : ‘ There are many holes in the fencing and it could be dangerous for children playing . ’
6 Popular Athenian sentiment in ancient times showed little sympathy for aliens , deviants or whingers , and it could be rough on women as a species ; and there is a strong male smell of British-is-best among writers newly emerged after 1945 .
7 Lothian Region and Edinburgh District councils are expected to approve the scheme next month and it could be operational within 18 months .
8 After all , I imagine that the chances of suitable weather at that time are less than 50/50 , and it could be miserable .
9 Of the Clinton-Gore tenure so far , he said ‘ In some ways it 's interesting to have a president interested in technology ; it could be good , and it could be bad .
10 That 's the equivalent of a medium-sized man losing half a stone overnight , and it could be fatal for a bird .
11 But it could be helpful to mention the pregnancy .
12 But it could be due to defects in an enzyme that is responsible for detoxifying a variety of environmental chemicals .
13 The cause of this is unclear but it could be due to the trophic effect of hypergastrinaemia on the oxyntic mucosa , an effect of smoking , an inherited characteristic , or a combination of these .
14 But it could be annoying to the person holding on .
15 SPENDING Christmas zapping aliens or helping Sonic the Hedgehog to dodge graphic nasties might sound mindless to parents — but it could be great mental exercise for thousands of computer game-crazy youngsters .
16 FORTUNATELY , this does not sound like the dreaded , and far too common , Clematis wilt , but it could be hot , dry weather symptoms .
17 Obviously the latter is much more powerful , but it could be self-defeating , lugging a heavy duty drill with its power pack up a ladder when a smaller drill is more convenient , quite apart from the cost .
18 But it could be true your brain might be asleep after mind you if you went too erm mouthy at work tomorrow shut your mouth then your brains would be working !
19 There may be good reasons for it being as it is , but it could be different , and is different in other countries .
20 For most people , this omission does n't matter , but it could be important for some who are very sensitive to certain additives .
21 But it could be important . ’
22 Of course I sha n't sell myself , but it could be thrilling to see what happens .
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