Example sentences of "[coord] it could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Either it would not or it could not observe the policy .
2 The photograph was taken on a favourable day or it could not have been taken at all .
3 It could rise ( e.g. towards w 1 ) as Keynes believed , it could fall ( e.g. towards w 2 ) as Dunlop and Tarshis believed , or it could conceivably remain unchanged at its market clearing level w * ; .
4 It was exciting end-to-end entertainment and it could easily have been two goals each after the opening quarter .
5 He 'd know that someone would have to go down there and recover the body and it could easily have been spotted .
6 Now I do n't think that 's right , fair or democratic and if we 've shied away from it for years handling this issue and now we 're in the position where this house has total responsibility for the thirty thousand citizens in total of Gibralt it 's not the electorate , the total population , thirty thousand and we continued to deny them vote yet they are citizens of the European union under our own legislation and accepted as such by the European parliament and it is wholly wrong Mr Deputy Speaker that the boundaries that we 're discussing in this bill were not drawn so that and it could easily have been done , that we could have incorporated the twenty odd thousand European union citizens of Gibraltar who do wish to be part of Spain and wo n't be for fifty years or more until it 's been a democracy that long , but to give them the right to vote .
7 She says it was too close to home and it could easily have been them .
8 He knew he could get away safely because he had a reading back in London that evening , and it could n't lead to further meetings because he was going away soon .
9 They loved each other and it could n't end , but …
10 Jesus had been , with his disciples and he had spent the whole day in teaching and preaching to the people , he 'd been explaining to them what the kingdom of God was like , he 'd been telling them some of the parables that perhaps we 're familiar with , he 'd been telling them about the parable of the sewer and the seed , the man who went out and he sewed his seed and different things went wrong birds came and picked up the stuff that fell by the wayside , some fell on stony ground and it could n't put down any roots , some fell amongst thorns and they were quickly choked , but some did fall in good prepared soil and that grew .
11 Mary was holding a tiny fawn , and it could n't have been more than a few days old .
12 And it could n't have been a sough or drain , for there could have been no reason to drain water into a mine .
13 New boy , Brian Marwood gave them the lead ; his first goal for the club and it could n't have come at a better time .
14 And it could n't have come at a better time for the 29 year old bowler in this his benefit season .
15 ‘ There 's something you ought to know and it could n't wait . ’
16 er job with half a team and and it could n't get done properly .
17 In that case it is all one operation , and it could not matter that he wrote his signature on the document before the dispositive wording of the will .
18 The NCDAD did not operate in Scotland , and it could not award degrees — working , as the NCTA had done , on the basis of a Deed of Trust , not a Charter .
19 Although he did not specifically mention Articles Two and Three — which contain the claim — he said the constitution meant a great deal to nationalists in Northern Ireland , and it could not change in advance of an overall settlement .
20 We knew on the other hand that Redbridge and Waltham Forest was not a competent authority and it could not have achieved this scale of planning .
21 And it could not wait until morning ? ’
22 In this way , the company was guaranteed a yearly income and it could thus pursue a programme policy that was developed with little regard for the wishes of the audience .
23 Radio must serve the interests of everyone , not of particular religions , regions or social and economic groups , and it could best do this if not subject to the direct control of a ministry .
24 it was the ‘ fourth estate ’ taking governments to task and protecting the public interest as well as representing public opinion ; and it could also help create a politically literate society .
25 Silverstone calls itself the home of British motor racing and it could equally call itself the home of Formula One since the first race of the first world championship was held there in l950 .
26 Either way , she will relish a return to a soft surface here , and it could well pay to forgive her single lapse .
27 This is an ensemble show in the RSC 's great tradition of Nicholas Nickleby and Les Miserables ( Caird was co-director of both with Trevor Nunn ) and it could well repeat their success at the box office .
28 Stress will certainly affect the levels of a number of hormones circulating in the bloodstream and it could well alter brain metabolism .
29 The beginning of civilisation was almost certainly a mental development which came long before it affected man 's physical abilities , and it could well have been the moment when for the first time , a primitive creature found that he could override and control the instinctive urge to act , which up to that time would have been the only source of motivation .
30 It is doubtful if this existed in a written form and it could well have been an oral source which Luke knew of and used .
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