Example sentences of "[coord] it [modal v] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The principle of salvation may be theological , as in the case of religious fundamentalism ; or it may be purely secular , as with ethnic nationalism ; or it may involve some combination of the two .
2 It may finish earlier where no further work can be done or it may finish some minutes later in order to complete sensibly .
3 The classification may be an organizational one , arranging detailed criteria into lists , or it may represent some kind of conceptual hierarchy of increasingly higher order objectives .
4 During a lesson the activity mode may stay the same throughout or it may change several times .
5 It may involve three or more subjects studied separately but in parallel , as in the Scottish general degree or some polytechnic/college ‘ combined studies ’ degrees ; or it may integrate several subjects in relation to some area , period , theme or problem , in which case it may be called interdisciplinary ; or it may consist of a more open , modular system of requirements and options .
6 Or it may have little or no practical effect .
7 And they go down at a bit at a time or it 'll go all the way down .
8 Or it might suggest that , despite a total lack of plausibility in their claims for knowledge , religious movements have survived either through institutional inertia , or insofar as they assist in conferring a sense of identity on national or local communities .
9 Moreover , the way that question is answered can change the course of history , it can condemn millions to bloody war , or it can do much to ensure that they are spared that misery .
10 Questions could be asked about the failure of the NRA to include in its cost estimate the sum of £6 million of taxpayers ' money that it has already spent promoting the scheme , or it could consider any of the indirect costs arising from the construction of the channel .
11 stuff , erm , I 'll I 've got a disk that does interesting little joined up lines , and there 's one where you can just put numbers in yourself and it 'll draw all sorts of pictures for you
12 I used to be Harry Maxim , then I was me and Jenny , and now I just do n't know and it 'll take more than lemon tea and a pink silk handkerchief in my sleeve and reading Goethe over breakfast to tell me .
13 And it 'll save that corner , it 'll make it look nice .
14 And it may perform this stupendous reproductive feat annually for thirty or forty years .
15 The tax was rushed through Parliament to ensure its arrival on the statute books before the election , and it may repeat some of the community charge 's mistakes .
16 Although this may be a couple of years out of date , it only costs £3 and it may give some clues as to the strength of the company .
17 When the smoke really thins out , thin blue smoke , rap on it , give the whole tin a shake and it 'll suddenly burst into thick smoke for a few minutes and it may do that again for a second time .
18 The process can be speeded up somewhat by changing the blotting paper several times while the flowers are being pressed , although you must be extremely careful as the plants will be exceptionally fragile at this point and it may do more harm than good to disturb them .
19 Something may be green , or fat , or it may be running , and it may have all these properties or none without ceasing to exist .
20 Boston-based Ares Software Corp is hoping to licence its FontChameleon technology to operating system designers , application developers and printer manufacturers , and it may have some success since FontChameleon is supposedly compatible with existing PostScript and TrueType standards .
21 It could well be significant that Cnut is not himself said to have had any connection with the document , and it may reveal little of the real business of the Oxford meeting .
22 But as we have seen , the law in some cases allows anyone with a genuine interest to make an application for judicial review , and it may take such persons a considerable time to find out about the decision they want to challenge .
23 The trade gap looks appalling and it may take some time before we see a significant drop in consumer spending .
24 It is a mistake to be too ambitious to begin with , for when 50 or so near maturity they will require lots of food and it may take some gathering .
25 Old stopcocks were not made to a standard size and it may take some searching in plumbers ’ merchants to find something that will enable you to connect new copper pipe .
26 Not everyone suits the same kind of photographic style , and it may take several tries before you find a picture that eventually gets you noticed .
27 It 's also worth noting that if leather corals are disturbed , especially by introducing them into an unfamiliar aquarium , the polyps will retract and it may take several days for them to reopen .
28 A few weeks of residential treatment are merely a scratch on the surface of the disease — but it is a deep scratch and it may help many more sufferers into recovery than might otherwise be successful through depending upon the AnonymouS Fellowships alone .
29 And it might have some more sentences like that .
30 There are several hundred members in ‘ LHC ’ , many of whom are in senior positions in significant companies , and it might provide some useful contacts for you too , but there are inevitably the questions of time , travel and costs and so on .
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