Example sentences of "[coord] it [verb] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 There 's one scene of four minutes where every third or fourth sentence is ‘ What about the cases ? ’ , referring to what Rita 's character was going to do with her baggage , and it changes so that each person is saying it with a different meaning .
2 What Hollywood offered was ‘ a medley range of vague and variable impressions — a disconnected assemblage of ideas , feelings , vagaries and impulses ’ and it followed therefore that the movies were ‘ not endeavouring to provide a consistent philosophy of life ’ .
3 A shadow fell on them from time to time , from his own past as well as from hers , and it seemed then that they were threatened by some evil which could blot out their joy at a moment 's notice .
4 It was n't Rory Adam had set his sights on , it was the nightclub , and it seemed now that his first devious move was already paying dividends in loss of business for Rory .
5 And it argues convincingly that only by giving economic and political power back to the poor — the people most dependent on the natural environment for their day-to-day livelihoods — can the world defend its future .
6 Alina had assumed that Belov was taking her to another of the buildings , but it seemed now that he was going to lead her out of the settlement altogether .
7 This was pretty certainly an exaggeration , but it shows unmistakably that the Black Country ( though this name had yet to be invented ) was in process of creation .
8 This model allows us to calculate the average trends in the binding energies of nuclei , but it predicts incorrectly that all nuclei should have a spherical shape , which varies as the cube root of the atomic weight , just as the radius of a liquid drop varies as the cube root of its mass .
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