Example sentences of "[coord] to [pron] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 But the referent again becomes signifier to the extent that the viewer is reminded how like a comic strip the real world has become , or to what extent the real world now comprises comic strips .
2 ‘ The views of our community were forcibly put at this meeting and to their credit the contractors did halt the work during the community festival , ’ he said .
3 But it can be difficult to ascertain whether exchange rate pressure is temporary or permanent in nature ; consequently the decision when and to what degree the central monetary authority should intervene is largely a matter of judgement .
4 This requirement is greater if the processing involved includes , for example , deciding who will teach a class , when the class will be taught , and to what room the class will be assigned .
5 Responsible leaders want to know how people are growing in their understanding of the Christian faith , whether relationships are deepening and extending throughout the church-fellowship , and to what extent the Christian presence is evident in the community outside .
6 ‘ Subject to the provisions of this or any other Act and to rules of court , the costs of and incidental to all proceedings in the civil division of the Court of Appeal and in the High Court … shall be in the discretion of the court , and the court shall have full power to determine by whom and to what extent the costs are to be paid .
7 The discretionary power as to costs conferred by section 51(1) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 applies to costs ‘ of and incidental to proceedings ’ and applies for the purpose of determining ‘ by whom and to what extent the costs are to be paid . ’
8 The aim of the research is to discover what impact the HSW Act 1974 and the SRSC Regs 1977 have had on occupational health and safety in the print industry and to what extent the Robens philosophy has been relevant to joint regulation .
9 It is a so it 's a complex set of interrelationships we 're looking at er on a sub-regional basis , I do believe that there is capacity , some capacity around the inner area of York , and to what extent the greenbelt enquiry er inspector will retain what I and others and certainly York City Council would believe is sufficient capacity remains to be seen , and though similar pleas were made at that enquiry I think they have to be restated here .
10 A suitable compromise is for both parties to rely on the opinion of a leading Queen 's Counsel as to whether or not and to what extent the purchaser 's claim is likely to succeed .
11 As the cat put its head down to rub against her , she reached up with her arm , and to her surprise the cat quite readily padded on to her shoulder and nestled there , purring .
12 She reached out and stroked the Dalmatian 's head , and to her surprise the bitch licked her hand .
13 It was so sudden that even her doctors were taken by surprise , and to her husband the news came as a profound shock .
14 We had n't gone very far when we met up with another Lancaster returning from a Cook 's Tour , and to my horror the two aircraft then flew wing-tip to wing-tip all the way home .
15 But Sauvignon does not come better than this and to my mind the del Cero Sauvignon has more grace , character and length than the much-vaunted Cloudy Bay Sauvignon from New Zealand , which is comparably priced .
16 That 's National Savings , and to my mind the only good issue they 've got at the moment , and er once you get with index-linked certificates , they were originally the granny bonds that were launched er in the early er late seventies , early eighties .
17 John was invited to have dinner with Balanchine , and to his surprise the latter proposed to him the theme , music and designer to be used .
18 At least the handle turned , and to his surprise the turntable revolved , if rather slowly , when he moved the lever .
19 But to her surprise the patron and his very large , round-faced wife greeted him like a long-lost son .
20 But to their right the ditch which bordered the canal was still lush with its summer greenness , its grasses thick over the split tyres , discarded mattresses and scraps of clothing rotting in its depths , and the torn and laden boughs of the willows dropped their thin leaves on to a surface which seemed too oily and stagnant to suck them in .
21 But to my surprise the fat lady , on her feet too , was beseeching the thugs : ‘ Please , do n't hurt the boy .
22 This notion is supposedly supported by the concurrent decline of major herbivore groups with that of their food plants , but to my mind the example she used in his article are naive and far from convincing .
23 There are eight other recordings of the Barber Piano Sonata in the catalogue , but to my mind the most thrilling and satisfying is that by this artist , who created the work in 1949 : his quicksilver delicacy in the scherzo is unsurpassed , and the dazzling virtuosity of the fugal finale makes one want to stand and cheer .
24 There was some beautiful Sevres porcelain too , but to my mind the Meissen porcelain was exceptional .
25 But to my mind the boy could begin by showing more respect altogether to people like your father who have been listening to what the League says about the problems of the land and the bosses and the conditions of the men and women who work on it .
26 He ran towards it fearing the worst , but to his amazement the figure faded and disappeared as he neared the line side .
27 Any kind of bed , by now , would have been welcome ; but to his relief the woman who came to the inner closed door was clean , and her house had no odour of bugs .
28 Peter pulled up , but to his horror the glider chose to pull up as its method of collision avoidance .
29 But to his surprise the drink was light , young , and faintly flavoured with honey , together with another taste , so subtle that he could not identify it .
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