Example sentences of "[coord] have been [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Virtually everybody there had been held on remand or had been to prison before , so knew how the prison ran .
2 Whatever was or had been between Matthew and Jenny was not yet resolved , Sara realised from Jenny 's preoccupation with the man .
3 Anyone who 'd paid money for their dog , or did n't know where it had been , should take it to the god in Lāmri to be blessed and cured : and if anyone had been bitten recently , or had been in contact with the rabid dog , they too should see that god .
4 The present superintendent estimated at this time that about half of all girls coming there had never really had any home life , or had been in care , and believed that this cycle would repeat itself : " as high as 85 per cent of these babies , it 's going to happen to them .
5 It may have evoked a response in our personal nature , or have been in keeping with the mood of the moment .
6 It 's all locked away , you know , Mr Michell , and has been for generations .
7 According to Spicker , this debate is ‘ moribund and has been for years ’ .
8 I like the idea of strach cos he s a winner ( does nt like losing ) , has respect from players , has top experience … and has been at Wilko 's side throughout the last 3–4 years .
9 Walker , who has turned 30 and has been at Tynecastle for over three years , will get his full international grounding at a time when goalkeeping problems abound for the national coach .
10 37426 was recently overhauled in Glasgow Eastfield and has been with Petroleum and Regional Railways .
11 The Longhope boat , the David and Elizabeth King , E B , is a solent class self righting lifeboat and has been on station since nineteen seventy .
12 USL has been courted by other attractive suitors , and has been on track to an initial public offering .
13 The amateur actor was born with only a third of a kidney and has been on dialysis for the past four years .
14 ‘ Yes , New Zealand is now a dominion too , and has been since September .
15 He had an accident at work and has been off work for two weeks .
16 He was made redundant in March 1991 and received payments until returning to full-time work in July 1991 , but suffered a prolapsed disc a month later and has been off work since then .
17 An interim restraining order was placed on him and has been under appeal .
18 This series , with accompanying maps , was started in 1950 ( and has been in revision since 1970 ) .
19 Normidtec covers Halton , Vale Royal and Warrington and has been in operation for 18 months .
20 She is 24 and has been in prison or special hospital for the past five and a half years .
21 Exchange control was introduced in 1930 and has been in force ever since , but subject to the provisions of exchange control it was a basic tenet of pre-communist Hungarian law that foreigners had the same rights as Hungarians in all respects ( but for some professions and performing public functions Hungarian citizenship was necessary ) .
22 This rumour was started the day after the dam was built and has been in circulation ever since .
23 Of the two , Mr Yates , who will be 81 in November and has been in Congress almost without a break since he was first elected in 1948 , had the easier time of it .
24 Canon Radford added : ‘ The Archbishop of Canterbury has been informed and has been in touch with Bishop Peter .
25 The technique was developed by Dr James C. Lewis of Imperial College , London and has been in use since the 1970s , replacing other more elaborate methods such as the use of fish bladders .
26 For this purpose a new statutory pre-notification procedure was introduced by the Companies Act 1989 and has been in effect since April 1990 .
27 Those who stress sisterhood rather than equality value a great deal in women 's distinctive approach as it now is ( and has been in societies much less egalitarian than ours ) and do not want it lost in the melting-pot of assimilation .
28 Nonetheless , implementation independence has had a powerful effect on AI thinking about metaphysical problems , and has been behind McCarthy 's insistence that AI must be defined as the study of intelligent mechanisms independent of their implementation in machines or brains , and hence to a general denial that AI is , in any strong sense , about machines .
29 Anyway the workload gradually increased until I found I could n't continue any longer and have been off work for the last six months .
30 Krishna Kumar Rawal ACA of 74A High Street , Wanstead , London having been found guilty of misconduct within the meaning of Bye-law 76(a) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he at Ilford and Wanstead between 18 November 1987 and 1 April 1990 failed to account properly and promptly for monies held on behalf of a client and in that he at Wanstead between 18 November 1987 and 6 January 1992 failed to account properly and promptly to a client for interest received in respect of monies held on behalf of the said client and having been in breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he at Wanstead between 3 December 1991 and 18 June 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) was reprimanded , fined £1,000 , ordered to take advice from the Professional Referrals Service and to pay £1,000 by way of costs .
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