Example sentences of "[coord] have [vb pp] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 This method is also ideal if you have to reknit a neckband or have sewn up the second shoulder in error .
2 In the US , he asserts , the government has realised that legislation is not enough and has set up the Computer Expert Resource Team .
3 The country that has demonstrated the greatest upward mobility through entrepreneurial channels is Argentina , which was one of the first to industrialise and has had probably the greatest influx of immigrants .
4 JACK Lee , whose name will always be associated with the Midland School of Embalming , which he founded just after the war and from which he has trained many hundreds of embalmers the world over , has decided to take more of a ‘ back seat ’ and has handed over the principal 's chair to John Davis , although he will still be ‘ in the wings ’ as an advisory tutor .
5 Peter Storm seems to have broken out of its slightly down-market image and has brought out the Microlite Mountain jacket ( £105 ) using its own breathable and waterproof MVT coating .
6 This arises where the tenant has closed the premises prior to the end of the term and has used up the full entitlement to rating relief .
7 The new cross was made by a specialist team of cathedral stone masons and has used up the last of the cathedral 's restoration fund .
8 The Neighbourhood Watch Committee provides a regular newsletter for the village and has taken over the distribution of Christmas parcels to the pensioners .
9 In his last year as President , Woodward is desperately keen to give Essex their first senior national title and has taken up the role of joint-manager to that end .
10 The foregoing account confirms the idea implicit in the theoretical scheme which I sketched earlier : namely , that nationalism is an immensely powerful force , first , because it is sustained by a deep-rooted sense of belonging to a territorial and cultural community , and secondly , because this sense of belonging has become firmly attached to the nation state in a process of political development which is now several centuries old , and has taken on the character of a more or less sacrosanct and unalterable principle of political organization .
11 Mahogany was once prolific in the tropical forests , and having logged out the Caribbean and West Africa , merchants are now moving back to Brazil .
12 She had almost touched it as she had turned , and had seen again the blood on the sawdust and the fear and the faces staring .
13 Before the Court of Appeal submissions were made on the company 's behalf that the Crown Court had failed to take into account the lack of gravity of the offences and had over-emphasised both the company 's ability to pay a substantial fine and the possibility of an accident occurring .
14 Siward had merely killed his wife 's uncle , as Carl Thorbrandsson had already killed his wife 's father , and had joined thereby the bloody brethren of kinsmen whose lethal manoeuvrings had kept him busy for the twelve years he had now held the earldom .
15 Cadfael had been awake and afield more than an hour by then , for want of a quiet mind , and had filled in the time by ranging along the bushy edges of his peasefields and the shore of the mill pond to gather the white blossoms of the blackthorn , just out of the bud and at their best for infusing , to make a gentle purge for the old men in the infirmary , who could no longer take the strenuous exercise that had formerly kept their bodies in good trim .
16 Whilst he was gone , Morse turned to the back of The Times and had filled in the whole of the bottom right-hand quarter of the crossword when Lewis returned two minutes later .
17 This was the first she had heard of it , for while Constance was away she had not felt able to accommodate the horrors revealed in the local rag and had read only the advertisements and the page called ‘ Eating Out ’ .
18 His face was grotesquely puffed and had taken on the colour of dark purple .
19 Yakovlev had been editor of Moskovskiye novosti , a newspaper which had extended the boundaries of freedom of speech during the perestroika period , and had taken over the chairmanship of All-Union Television and Radio ( which became Ostankino in December 1991 " see p. 38655 ) in August 1991 after the failed coup [ see p. 38372 ] .
20 The perplexing thing was that Bella , whom he had now nerved himself to telephone every other evening with news of Sam , seemed not to mind the untenable situation particularly and had taken up the flute .
21 But as well as indicating strong loyalist sympathies in the town , he had to inform that these were evidently not shared by Bruce 's own nephew , the new Earl of Carrick , Edward Bruce 's second son , who was lord there now and had handed over the castle , with his allegiance , to the usurper .
22 Just as these explanations had concentrated on the inadequacy of working-class culture and had put forward the notion of compensatory education , so the tendency of feminists was to explain girls ' failure in terms of the deficiencies of their socialization .
23 And had put down the receiver before he could say anything at all .
24 The moisture had made his hair curl even more , and had brought out the hardiness of his complexion .
25 However , it was also reported that Neamy was an Iraqi dissident who had lived in Sweden for several years and had returned home the previous year to pay a brief visit to his family .
26 Fortunately , that was in harmony with the thoughts of the ITF Rules Committee which had also met at Key Biscayne a few days earlier and had thrown out the idea of one serve instead of two … or changing the dimensions of the court , such as a smaller service box or a serving line a yard behind the baseline , but agreed to make further research into rackets , balls and court surfaces .
27 I put my conversations with Lou and Brenda from my mind , at least for the time being , and had switched on the WP and was enjoying the little moans and buzzes of its warming up , when there was a mighty banging on the door and there stood Hugo .
28 He 'd only agreed to go because Lily told him it was a musical and had walked out the moment Bernadette started sinking to her knees in the fields .
29 UNIT had been routinely monitoring the signals in the area and had picked up the SOS messages from the passenger aircraft .
30 Researchers in the adult literacy campaigns in England have devoted considerable attention to these features of writing and have pointed out the possible practical consequences of imprecise layouts and unconsidered presentation of text .
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