Example sentences of "[coord] of [noun] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If habituation occurs by reduction of the postsynaptic response at a single synapse , it could logically be a consequence of either pre- or postsynaptic processes , or of course a combination of both .
2 The planned defensive systems of King Alfred or of Henry the Fowler were primarily concerned to provide refuges for folk whose land was being pillaged ; they also provided defence in depth , but it was a secondary consideration .
3 I 'd have to have my lipstick and my mascara and of course a brush for my hair !
4 And of course a stormer of a gig is assured when Carter USM grace the Mandela Hall at Queens on the 30th .
5 Contact me for a free Walk Pack which includes details of your nearest walk , the walk T-shirt and of course a sponsor form .
6 Contact the BUAV today for your free Walk Pack which includes details of your nearest walk , the special design walk t-shirt and of course a sponsor form .
7 The muddy or sandy beds and long damp grass make ideal habitat for such birds as dunlin , which are mainly seen in winter , and of course a variety of ducks and geese .
8 T shirts … flags and banners and of course a cap to top it all off …
9 These included Replacement of Staff , Promotions , Ranked Positions , Branch Staffing , Transferability and of course a Job Security Agreement .
10 In Paragraph thirty five er er er three , the sites allocated in adopted local plans and of course a number of those will be with us and available toward the back end erm of the local plan er program .
11 And of course a lot of the engineering was on textile machinery and er I did n't , I just would n't go back to it after I 'd been at it about a couple of years .
12 And of course a lot of the muck was tipped on the hill , you can see the marks of it yet .
13 That 's a thing I find that we 're losing very much is all these exclamations and of course a lot of exclamations were calling on a divine hand of God to look after you .
14 ‘ We reckon that there were about 14,500 Derry supporters at the semi-final and of course a lot more people want to see the final , ’ points out Patsy , ‘ However , we only receive 2,000 stand and 7,000 terrace tickets so you can see the extent of the problem we face . ’
15 ‘ Just now , ’ they told me ‘ it is the Garara ( trousers which flare from just above the knee ) and quite a short Kamiz to go with it and of course a Dupatta ( a long light scarf ) in georgette in an exactly matching colour ’ .
16 She says the university wishes to give her a degree , both because she 's a graduate of the univesity — she was at St. Hugh 's — and because we regard her a as a world leader of distinction , and of course a world peace prize winner .
17 A slattern brought a small table for Athelstan to rest his writing tray on , and of course a jug of wine and two goblets , though Athelstan shook his head and asked for water .
18 And of course a vote of thanks to FIFA for ensuring the league 's Welsh internationals were able to represent club and country in the same week .
19 And of course a photo never catches the way a face moves .
20 She 's not really enthusiastic about it and of course no doubt we 're getting problems again , stuff going missing , stuff like that , whatever
21 He remains to this day the third highest League scorer in the history of our club with 99 goals in Division 3 South — for only two centre-forwards , Peter Simpson and Ted Smith , have ever improved on that figure , and of course no winger has ever approached it .
22 We could n't understand why and of course no reason was given by the guards .
23 And of course every individual has that authority .
24 He kept many numbers simple enough for local children to perform ( The Grand March of the 64 Flower Gatherers was typical ) and of course every show could guarantee House Full signs , with relations and friends packing the theatre every night .
25 And of course every wine he would name .
26 And of course the harness was what they call a harness , you know your buckles used to that over that and they were on .
27 And of course the Pistols will have to wait for the return of better weather . ’
28 This and the long duration of the eclipse at low frequency require that this material extends well beyond the pulsar and of course the companion 's Roche lobe , the region within which matter is gravitationally bound to the star .
29 In such cases , a local planning committee has full power to reject the application and of course the Secretary of State can call a public inquiry .
30 er and of course the gold award erm older guys next year 's team then can go on for their their gold .
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