Example sentences of "[coord] be [vb pp] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dustsheets covered all the furniture and were draped over the pictures stacked against the wall .
2 Social security ensured that the costs of mass retirement were kept as low as possible and were spread over the whole population rather than falling only on employers .
3 Our last mode is B altered b♭7 and is played over the seven chord B7 ( o = diminished ) .
4 ‘ An administrator is a creature of statute and is appointed over the affairs , business and property of a company falling within the definition of company in section 735 of the Companies Act 1985 .
5 The 30 second commercial is a variation on the successful launch advertising and is scheduled over a two month period in England and Wales .
6 One grenade was not found and was lobbed over a wall from one yard to another , injuring 40 prisoners .
7 The general legend is that he took off from Twinwood 's airfield , flew over the channel and was lost over the channel ; his plane iced up .
8 Amiens is the latest of the group and was built over a comparatively short period ( 1220–88 ) .
9 The power unit for the Once-Over tractor unit was four cylinder water cooled engine which started on petrol and was switched over the paraffin after a warming-up period .
10 Hundreds of privately owned aircraft at Tamiami Airport were blown over and on top of each other , a parked DC–6 disappeared completely and was found over a mile away from its tie-down point on the Airport .
11 They too stand at around 22 per cent , but are phased over the period of production .
12 The rear part of the hull , an impassable tangle of twisted metal , was embedded among outcropping boulders ; the front of the craft was largely undamaged but was suspended over the steep slope of the ridge .
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