Example sentences of "[coord] be not [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is reported that Mrs Thatcher has been keen to ensure that those promoted are sympathetic to her scale of values or are not unwilling to break away from the style of middle-of-the-road consensus policies that have predominated in recent years .
2 The bickering prompted former Tory Premier Sir Edward Heath to urge Mr Major to dismiss all the rebels who either want ‘ to bring him down ’ , or are not prepared to stay loyal to Government policy .
3 Speaking after a meeting with EC Finance Ministers in Luxembourg he envisaged that a smaller number of countries with low inflation ( France , West Germany , Belgium , Netherlands and Luxembourg ) would enter a European central banking system and that others who had not reached the same degree of economic convergence , or were not ready to give up sufficient sovereignty rights , would be invited to enter later .
4 But remember the words of Glidwell LJ in Rex Stewart Jeffries Parker Ginsberg Ltd v Parker [ 1988 ] IRLR 483 : " in the end , whether a particular provision is or is not reasonable to protect the employer 's legitimate interest is a matter of impression " .
5 Instabilities , both in lasers and passive resonators ( E , 0 , lossy cavity ) , are termed single mode or multimode according to whether the resulting frequency spectrum for E ( 0 , t ) is or is not narrow compared to the free spectral range .
6 When would you be able to devote the time , or the knowledge , to select , as you call it , what is or is not fit to publish ?
7 The third force is the headteachers , for it is they who have the most decisive influence on what it is or is not safe to do or say in a school .
8 So measures of poor welfare include finding that , because of the way an animal is kept or treated , it is not able to live as long or finding that it is not able to grow or is not able to breed .
9 Thereafter we carried on with the hearing of the argument on whether Thorpe J. was or was not right to make the order which he did in the different circumstances which then existed and as to the more general issues raised by this appeal .
10 Organisations can afford to miss orders or propose later deliveries and are not obliged to exercise such rigid control upon their labour costs .
11 There are those among the ministers and members who have little knowledge of Welsh affairs , and are not well-disposed to proffer any concessions .
12 Budgeting Loans are repayable and are not available to help towards mains fuel consumption and standing charges .
13 However , the unions have made it clear that they refuse even to discuss the proposed reforms and are not afraid to call their men out on strike .
14 Mergers and takeovers are not within the company 's experience , and are not likely to succeed in such a consistent , pervasive corporate culture .
15 Be friendly and try to give the impression that you are a person of integrity who knows his or her own mind , and are not likely to abandon a deal half-way through .
16 To reiterate , subtleties of technical definition are not the main issue here and are not likely to prove directly relevant in translation .
17 As the Opposition believe that taxes , particularly local taxes , should be based on ability to pay , is it not absolutely scandalous that they suggest that the elderly and the single , whatever house they live in , should have to pay more than those with the ability to pay and are not willing to grant a discount ?
18 A spokesman from Cambridge University commented ‘ while the University 's buildings are in reasonable condition for their age , the maintenance staff have to work on emergency work and are not able to put time into other things . ’
19 because the verderers ought not and are not able to enroll anything in their rolls except a presentment of the foresters , and the foresters presented nothing of the matters aforesaid .
20 Well , children can be allowed to express their anxieties verbally and to learn perhaps from the adults ' modelling around them that to talk about these things in moderation is perfectly acceptable erm but not to do it to the extent or to allow children to perhaps watch the news coverage to the extent that they become over excited and are not able to contain their own feelings of anxiety about loss and damage and death and separation from parents and significant adults .
21 At a more general level , by the terms of the Treaty of Rome that first initiated the EC in 1957 , member countries are independent of their national governments and are not able to accept instructions from them .
22 The library would seem to provide much that these young people need , if the staff are alerted , are able to give time and informed attention , and are not slow to utilize material usually associated with adult readers .
23 ( 3 ) , and are not entitled to suspend the licence without hearing the holder unless the holder fails to appear after receiving notice ( subs .
24 ‘ I think it is a shame that more people are not convinced by the results that care in the community is producing and are not prepared to move over in greater numbers , ’ says Mrs Polson , who was also a sister at Aycliffe Hospital during her 10 years there .
25 As usual , though , the route has been carefully planned by the organisers , who can always predict how a race is likely to develop and are not inclined to let anyone have an easy ride .
26 Holding her gently in my hands and feeling her warmth and the trembling lightness of her , I was genuinely moved t– tears and am not ashamed to admit it .
27 Many said that they welcomed the opportunity to work , and were not able to do so during the week because there was no one look after their children .
28 Cripps and his supporters objected that the Labour leadership had failed to absorb the lessons of 1931 and were not Prepared to deal with the inevitable " sabotage " of the Labour programme by capitalist interests .
29 The Tomsk voevody wanted firm control over the region and were not satisfied to have the Teleuts as allies ; they wished them to become permanent subjects .
30 They seemed to have a different attitude to the lecturers and were not afraid to go to them for elucidation of points they did not fully understand , and in tutorials showed their wider knowledge , and their readiness to think for themselves rather than just reproduce what they had learned from textbooks and lectures .
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