Example sentences of "[coord] be [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It means the women can come in then still go home to pick the kids up from school , or be with them in the evening . ’
2 She had thanked me for ‘ the deep and exhaustive treatment ’ , and added characteristically : ‘ I can not help being pleased — grateful though I should be and am to her in a way — for Pamela Handford [ sic ] Johnson 's errors to be pointed out .
3 That all should dress as him and be as him in all ways of thought .
4 ‘ Katherine , I haven t yet told you how pleased we all are that you shall be going to school here and be with us at Valois frequently .
5 Anyway , I thought I 'd come back and be with you for the evening in case you were lonely . ’
6 K. Just missed the train , but I 'll catch the half-past one and be with you for quarter past three , at the very latest .
7 And , of course , we 're always ready to step out of he background and be with you on site .
8 I 'll take a shower and be with you in twenty minutes — I trust you 've had plenty of experience in this sort of thing ? ’
9 I ca n't get there tonight : I 'll probably spend the night in Springfield and be in something like ten tomorrow .
10 Green 's mountains are and were for him unlike those of Scotland with their purple grandeur and exotic shapes , nor did they have their awesome desolation .
11 But there was the rub , for Ben had , according to many , the most explosive start ever in athletics ' history and being with him at the three-fifths point in the race was , apparently , beyond the powers of the sprinters gathered in the Stadio Olimpico on this hot August day , Lewis included .
12 This mutation takes two forms , which have little or nothing in common except the need or desire to control state policy : national separatism and national xenophobia , which means being against foreigners by setting up ‘ our ’ own state , and being against them by excluding them from ‘ our ’ already existing state .
13 Travis had left the door open — she seized her chance , and was through it like a shot .
14 He was closely associated with the heir to the throne , the future Edward I , and was with him in Gascony in 1255 .
15 Ms Ang , a surgeon , volunteered to provide medical assistance to Palestinians and was with them during the Israeli invasion of West Beirut in 1982 .
16 One day during the early summer , Guy Gibson of Dam Busters fame flew in to Bourn and was with us for a few hours .
17 CAPE FEAR ( CIC ) Scorsese 's dazzling noir remake disappointed some , but is worth it for the directional flash , De Niro 's grotesque hamming , and current gawk of the town Juliette Lewis
18 It may be expensive , but is worth it in the long run .
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