Example sentences of "[coord] be [verb] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 For far too long disabled children have been put away in special schools and been made to feel that there is something wrong with them , their disabilities are a burden and a thing of shame .
2 The big jeans names are already aware of the authentic newcomers , and are beginning to realise that the original utility styles they updated and bastardised over the past 30 years are the current fashion winners : watch them scramble to regain their own heritage .
3 Me , I do n't speak clothes language at all and am beginning to wish that I did .
4 As the mother of two sons myself , I now find my childhood reaction extreme , and am led to suspect that my separation anxiety originated some time before the birth of my sister .
5 The farming industry must tell the public at large and be seen to demonstrate that it cares about providing quality food which is produced with high animal welfare standards and protection of the environment .
6 Feeling rather ill due to lack of visibility , we stumbled into Chalet des Pierres , just above Courchevel 1850 , and were disheartened to feel that justice could not be done to such a fantastic display of food .
7 And then she heard the low whistle — once , twice , and a third time ; and while she lay frozen by terror into indecision , a yet more dreadful possibility occurred : what if Tristram were caught , and were led to believe that she had betrayed him ?
8 They longed for deliverance from Roman oppression , and were encouraged to think that they would not have much longer to wait as the prophetic voice was heard once more in the land after centuries of silence .
9 Windsor Women 's Centre currently employs members of staff and is hoping to increase that when the new centre opens .
10 It involves close cooperation between central and local authorities and is designed to ensure that large scale developments bring the greatest possible benefit to the areas in which they are sited through , for example , the use of local labour and materials .
11 Basically , the test is designed to cover every selling circumstance and is set to ensure that the knowledge has been successfully acquired .
12 A Home Office Advisory Working Group , chaired by Judge Pigot , on the question of children 's evidence will report imminently and is expected to recommend that children as young as four or five should be allowed to give evidence if a judge rules that they are competent .
13 Even I was pelted with a couple of little pointed things from the TV Times and was heard to admit that ‘ awards are like haemorrhoids — sooner or later every bum gets one ’ .
14 The beautiful lady then blushed , a warm and rosy colour in her white cheeks , and was heard to murmur that the spell was as the spell was , that a kiss received after the successful disintegration of the glass casket , was a promise , as kisses are , whether received voluntarily or involuntarily .
15 Jonadab confirmed that the shepherd was not one for strong drink and was beginning to think that George had possibly made a good choice , when the old farmer and his wife came back along the line .
16 She had presumed that only children cried and was disturbed to see that grownups sometimes did so .
17 He expected William Temple to back Henson and was grieved to find that his hero was weak because he refused to stand up and fight .
18 His friend Lauder once attended such a service and was moved to comment that this assembling of the deaf was an affecting spectacle :
19 The plaintiff in Diamond Stylus Co Ltd v Bauden Precision Diamonds Ltd [ 1973 ] RPC 675 paid the price for not having an express covenant restraining employees from soliciting customers after employment ended and was forced to argue that solicitation could only have come about because of the misuse of business secrets .
20 He 'd heard nothing from them for over three months , and was forced to assume that they were either dead , or prisoners of the Nazis .
21 But if I tell her the truth and insist upon it , I shall be disobeying my husband and causing his mother unnecessary worry , she reflected , and was forced to accept that having made a cross for her back , she would have to bear it .
22 Some years ago the word ‘ psychosomatic ’ was often prefaced by the word ‘ merely ’ and was used to suggest that an illness was in some way unreal or made up .
23 Primers derived from human β actin were used as internal PCR controls resulted in a 623 bp product ( data not shown ) and was used to ensure that the PCR worked consistently each time and the actin product acted as an additional size marker .
24 I am delighted to participate in today 's debate on nuclear weapons policy , but am saddened to see that the so-called ’ party of defence ’ , the party of government , can muster only one noble Member to speak .
25 It says Ralph and Denise are only too aware there can be no substitute for James but are beginning to hope that better times could just be coming .
26 She expects him to be an untidy swimmer , but is irritated to find that he has a smooth powerful crawl which takes him through the water swiftly and seriously .
27 The wording of the section suggests that this power could not be used to restrict the right to inspect or obtain copies , for example by requiring good cause to be shown thus preventing share registers being used as ‘ sucker-lists , ’ but is intended to ensure that the matter is reproduced in a way which is as ‘ user-friendly ’ as possible without imposing undue burdens on the company .
28 On Dec. 29 national radio reported the lifting of the state of emergency in North-West Province , stronghold of SDF leader John Fru Ndi , who had been released from house arrest by early December but was continuing to claim that he was the real election victor [ see p. 39179 ] .
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