Example sentences of "[coord] the [noun] made her " in BNC.

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1 And the consequences made her shudder .
2 Memory of the event and the inconvenience made her chuckle .
3 She wondered idly if Hank was interested in Dorothy , and the idea made her feel a little forlorn .
4 That was impossible , because the heat and the champagne made her feel dizzy , till she felt she could hardly concentrate .
5 She was tired , emotionally and physically tired , and the champagne made her cease to worry about whether she was right to allow the Burgermeister to cosset her with flowers and champagne .
6 Marlene Dietrich played Lola , and the film made her an overnight international star ( please note that this film will be shown at QFT — see page 33 ) .
7 Even though she was n't looking at him , she knew he was smiling scornfully , and the awareness made her clench her hands into fists .
8 ‘ Ssh , dear , do n't try to talk , ’ said the woman lodger , and the nurse made her lie down .
9 Round him , she was talkative in order to provoke him into replying , and the attempt made her a habitual confessor , though she would have been amazed if she had been charged with talking about herself all the time .
10 When they were together , she felt in charge ; and the feeling made her forget all that had brought her to this .
11 At this moment she felt he had had a hand in cheating her out of some of her life , and the feeling made her coldly angry .
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