Example sentences of "[coord] the [noun pl] [be] n't " in BNC.

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1 I mean I said ‘ I want something by next Thursday ’ and , of course , they were n't there or the papers were n't done .
2 The LSE authorities ' choice was the head of the University College of Rhodesia , Walter Adams , and the students were n't happy with it .
3 When the various coats of paint were stripped off , Dick and his crew discovered that there was very little airframe corrosion externally or internally , and the fact that the airframe was out of reach of the public meant that the fairings and the skins were n't dented at all .
4 yeah , and the tomatoes were n't bright , ca n't get no more of them nectarines , when he says keep 'em for two days cos they were hard , gets after two days
5 this is what I 'm fighting for , I 'm fighting for equal rights , and I 'm fighting to get more women into further education cos I think it 's it 's a very basic that we all need to go into and it 's hard , and the openings are n't there women to go into , you 've got to fight for it , yeah !
6 None of them came back , you see : the Americans could n't spare the trucks and the farms were n't allowed to use their petrol for anything but getting food to market .
7 Around them the trees were silent : the day was windless , and the birds were n't on speaking terms with one another .
8 And the boys are n't cheap , ’ he said .
9 As Margaret had said , what people did n't know could n't hurt them ; Anyway , Mickey and the boys were n't really bad .
10 And the stacks were n't built around a central pole ?
11 When the light comes on at precisely the same time each night and the curtains are n't drawn , it 's clear the house is empty .
12 And the bills are n't that high are they ?
13 To a boy who declares himself stuck about what colour to use , he says : ‘ Well , Sickert said that when in doubt put a little of the last colour into the next colour you use , and that gives harmony : it does n't work to use a colour in isolation — white and black are the two parents , red in isolation can appear like a wound in the picture — it 's like friendships , we all know the awful consequences if a new person joins a group and the friendships are n't mixed through , it 's the same with colours . ’
14 Or it may be there but the police and the stewards are n't allowing it to come out because they 're keeping a lid on it so efficiently these days .
15 The vegetables are all grown organically and the cattle are n't pumped full of hormones .
16 It rained all day and they played out in the mud and the parents were n't very pleased with me .
17 The columbines seemed to have disappeared , and the delphiniums were n't ready yet .
18 They 'd not long allowed white caddies at Augusta , and the police were n't used to people like me .
19 When you got in there at seven thirty , Chris was n't there and the books were n't there and people were waiting around ready to get off .
20 Apart from that , the neck is almost acceptably straight and the frets are n't too bad , but with a nut like that , it barely seems to matter .
21 And the Fijians were n't about to let Tim Horan and his new-look side get a look-in in the semi-final .
22 He told the man it was very old , but the gold work was too fragile to be reworked and the stones were n't worth anything .
23 Thank God for a fixed set and no stagehands , and the electricians are n't in yet .
24 Many district councils like the Vale of White Horse say the law is unclear and the penalties are n't a deterent , so they wo n't take it any further .
25 And the conversations are n't always about tennis .
26 Robinson says : ‘ We are playing on average 10 games less than when in Europe , and the fans are n't happy . ’
27 Deputy Head ( Staff ) : ‘ Pottery is messy , but the shelves are n't aesthetically arranged . ’
28 My countrymen are all dozing at home by their electric fans , but the natives are n't so fortunate . "
29 Lloyds may be the only bank turning up its nose at the dollar bill , but the others are n't wild about some large-denomination European notes which often have to be shipped back to their country of origin rather than recycled through the system .
30 But the others are n't actually there …
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