Example sentences of "[coord] the [noun sg] be be " in BNC.

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1 In other places farms on the edges of high moorland are being abandoned , or the land is being used for water reservoirs , or for recreation , where tourists can picnic or camp with their caravans and tents .
2 Erm I I look forward to hearing Mr 's views on on this particular matter given that he was the or or the department was was responsible for for in a sense prolonging the discussion to consider the breakdown of locations and as to whether he feels that there is sufficient technical information available on all of the sectors should a recommendation come forward for a particular sector from from the panel .
3 All other doctrines are very secondary to that , and the question is are we to express that reality or must we continue to obscure it .
4 Th th the point that erm we were then discussing was that in practice of course males may , m ma may contribute a lot more an and , and the question was is this er something to do with the adaptions of our species or is it just the this was the question you , you asked me was n't it ?
5 The total cost of the project is £4 million , to which the City Council and the European Regional Development Fund contributed £1.5 million each and the rest is being raised by the museum .
6 Chainreaction ( as the Herald reported last week ) would be moving into the newly built extension , the cottage was being completely renovated and the centre was being used to nearly 90 percent of capacity .
7 The thrills and the excitement are being taken away , leaving only the bus shelter , the football match , the window and the mugger .
8 It is running late ; it is overcrowded ( with expert consultants ) ; and the public is being given no information about its route .
9 The industry is facing its toughest Christmas for a decade and the public is being exploited . ’
10 ITN is carrying Iraqi propaganda and the public is being deceived .
11 But he is still on the loose and the public are being warned to take care
12 The joy was great , both upon the occasion of the day , and the work 's being completed , which is really a wonderful undertaking .
13 They 're called anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies and the work is being continued at Stanford University in California .
14 Seizures of skins and animals once openly traded are becoming more frequent , and the government is being advised by the US Fish and Wildlife Service on improving its controls .
15 In mid-1981 Virgin was doing badly ; the company had made redundancies and the roster was being cut back .
16 And the Park was being beautifully maintained ; the trees were not being needlessly felled ; the formal garden that girdled the house retained all its statuary . …
17 Erm looking up er the er line or that is looking from the bridge erm that 's going down towards er th the just it it it er cur curved round to meet the er the line er an and the s and the station was was here .
18 The mortuary van had moved closer to the rim of the hollow and the stretcher was being manoeuvred into place .
19 Neither of them appeared to represent any particular party , and the election was being fought entirely on personalities .
20 For example the owner of a motor vehicle can be said to use it where he sits at the side of the driver , who is not his employee and the vehicle is being used for his purpose ( Cobb v Williams [ 1973 ] RTR 1 13 ) .
21 Only now the coherence and the poetry were being deluged by the reality , or hope , of psychedelic drugs .
22 Taking over as skipper from the Army 's Lt Col Frank Esson is the yacht 's navigator , the Navy 's Lt Commander , soon to be Commander , Colin Watkins , and the crew is being increased in size from 15 to 16 .
23 I once saw a pike , a big one at that , attack the vane of a drifter on a fast retrieve after the bait had been lost and the tackle was being retrieved at speed to recast .
24 One I think was the industry and the other was was it the Brendan that he says in
25 There was no slowing at junctions and the car was being driven erratically , ’ the spokesman said .
26 And although entitlement caps are not easy to implement , there is more interest in them in Congress than there has been for years , and the interest is being communicated to the administration .
27 Also , subjects were asked to describe the first meeting with a close friend or partner ; in this case all the persons described in the account were found to be favourable and the account are being made in retrospect .
28 The World Bank has now withdrawn funding , and the project is being wound down .
29 … And at times in retrospect you wish you had taken a certain stat , because it turns out that the whole thing has boiled up , completely beyond what you know it to be , but it 's become political and the authority is being attacked and the chiefs ca n't defend it and say , ‘ OK .
30 On the other hand , the allowance of too much time will lead to stagnation , lack of enthusiasm and the job 's being put on the ‘ back burner ’ when more important assignments arrive .
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