Example sentences of "[coord] as [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Or as they put it in the locker-room , once you 're in , you 're in .
2 Of all the Soviet nationalities , the Baltic nations looked the most likely to establish ( or as they saw it , resume ) their independent statehood in the 1990s ; their opportunity to do so came soon after the attempted coup when ( in September 1991 ) the USSR Council of State formally approved their independent status and they were admitted into the United Nations and other international organisations .
3 In this his second publication of poetry , or as he calls it ‘ making the bastards suffer ’ , Bitumen has produced a well rounded collection of spite , venom and malicious slander .
4 The family was able to buy first the supermarket in Lordship Lane — or as he calls it , ‘ Hardship Lane ’ — then a string of other stores including a wholesalers business .
5 He denies that there is a single professional-managerial class ( or as he calls it the service class ) , but instead he sees it as being split in two .
6 And does he love you as you are , or as he wants you to be ?
7 Of course the role of the trustees is , is , is re- affirmed really by Good who er says that there under the under trust or as he sees it , the trustees should remain the legal owners of the fund and I wonder if we can move on to ownership .
8 To achieve this , Poulantzas says , it must to some extent be independent of all classes , or as he puts it , it must be relatively autonomous .
9 Storm damage to the spire has prompted the Rector to ask the organist to choose his notes wisely … or as he puts it , Ding Dong Merrily without the Dong .
10 Low rejected this , but agreed that a Yugoslav officer would be permitted " to visit all camps in which there were CROATS , or as he called them , Yugoslav Quislings " .
11 And finally , it brought on that rich cast of wooden-topped rustics , the Starkadders , with Aunt Ada Doom in the star part , not to speak of the simpleton whose main pleasure in life was doing the washing up , or as he called it , clettering the dishes with his liddle mop .
12 Or as he put it elsewhere : " the Deposing Doctrine , and placing the Power in the People , is but the Spittle of the Papists and Jesuits , which our Whigs and Dissenters have Lick't up " .
13 Or as I see it , more sentimental .
14 Sometimes , when she was startled or frightened on my fist or as I approached her , it was painful to think that I might be responsible for her fear .
15 Exactly , and as they took him back to his room , not his cell , but his room , he turned to my , my mate who was with me and said er , I do n't want an operation I like having sex with little girls , he said now I 've got two little girls and I had to turn and walk away
16 In all societies older people tell younger ones about the past , and as they tell it , they transform it : a man 's experience is his grandson 's tradition .
17 The principal rivers of the Empire flow from the east to the west , and as they converge they become greater still .
18 And as they marched they 'd joyously sing ,
19 The more nitrogen they have available , the better marine plants will grow , and as they grow they take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere .
20 Once hatched , they begin to feed on zooplankton and as they grow they prey on larger species and they are even cannibalistic .
21 As they played and as they sang and as they danced they made no mark on the sand at all .
22 They rehearsed the scene over and over again and as they repeated it Willie believed more than ever that he was the old man .
23 Well , the answer is , giraffes tried to eat food on higher branches of trees , strained upwards , and as they strained they stretched their necks and they passed on their stretched necks to their , to their descendants .
24 ‘ Most of us were standing by the control tower when the Fortress guns opened up to the Northward , and coming through the Flak we saw a series of black dots approaching directly towards us and as they closed we recognised them as yellow-nosed Me109s .
25 At the end of the tunnel there was another crossroads , and as they entered it Jotan appeared , sword in hand .
26 He had the expatriate knack of being lent things and getting himself looked after on his return to the native land , and as they talked it became apparent that we were to be entertained to lunch by the gallery owner .
27 Whenever we confess our anxiety , he helps , and as we confess we receive joy and peace .
28 We learn such skills from our mothers , midwives , books and from our own inner promptings , and as we use them they become absorbed into everyday life , often so much so that we no longer realize just how much we have learnt and are capable of ; in fact , we only take notice of the areas in which we feel that we fail .
29 As we had referred to Turkey and the fact that Margaret and I had met there , and as we knew he took great interest in genuine peasant culture , we showed him some Turkish embroidery and in particular two typical Turkish saddle-bags , which we had transformed into cushions .
30 Then we were walking back towards the carriage , and as we passed I heard Mr Jonesy say to the preacher , ‘ I 'll give 'im the devil when I get 'im 'ome . ’
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