Example sentences of "[coord] his [noun sg] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As these powers could be exercised in favour of the settlor and his wife the whole of the fund was taxable upon the settlor .
2 His land in England , together with that of Bishop Ulf 's , was divided between Harold , the eldest son of Earl Godwin , and his sister the Queen , who had been retrieved from her convent .
3 Pluto 's theme is transformation and his emblem the phoenix rising from the ashes .
4 Having stated that his earlier life was misdirected , and his poetry the product of ‘ fond illusion ’ , Wordsworth concludes with a decision
5 The young Bischof and his friend the painter Hans Erni were not unaware of the dark clouds gathering in the sky over Europe ; but at this point , on the threshold of adult life and a career — as yet undecided between painting and photography — he paused to make a careful , thoughtful study of the beauty of the world around him , to search , in minute things , for the harmony of the universe .
6 Fodor ( 1981 ) provides a very clear description of functionalism , and his book The Modularity of Mind discusses some of the philosophical issues surrounding cognitive neuropsychology .
7 From the blazing screen he smiled at the proprietor of the Artillery-man 's Friend and at his mother and Rose-Ann and his aunt the dressmaker and at his father , wherever he was .
8 His parents had only just begun to give him and his sibling the lore of their territory , telling him the names of eagles who had nested there before .
9 Suddenly its author became the ‘ King of the Beats ’ , and his milieu the stuff of headlines , cover features , and money .
10 Paul , at seventeen , had begun to take his share in the running of the island under Otkel , and his father the Earl must be shown the results and discuss them ; with Erlend , a silent eleven , listening avidly .
11 1 shall limit myself in the rest of this chapter to the most interesting and influential of these theories , those of Ransom and the other Southern critics Cleanth Brooks and Allen Tate , and those of W.K. Wimsatt and his collaborator the philosopher Monroe Beardsley ; all of these writers were active mainly in the forties and fifties .
12 The research published in the BMJ in 1950 by Sir Richard Doll and his colleague the statistician the late Sir Austin Bradford Hill solved the problem in a way that was both surprising and conclusive : they showed that cigarette smoking was responsible .
13 But his claim the government had increased the provision for the Children Act in local authorities ' budgets by 14 per cent was greeted with derision from the floor .
14 ‘ I would ask you to stay longer , but His Majesty the King has invited me to a masque at Richmond . ’
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