Example sentences of "[coord] we can not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yet some are dangerous to our cause , and we can not brook their contumelious conspiracies against us .
2 ‘ We have no idea what wonder drug Boots or Wellcome might suddenly produce during the year , and we can not stop and should not stop doctors prescribing all the drugs that their particular patients ’ need . ’
3 Furthermore , the problems , as well as the delights , of diversity of views exist , and we can not pretend they do not .
4 At this stage , the cause of the accident is not yet clear , and we can not reach any conclusions until all the evidence is available .
5 It is theories which tell us what the world is like and we can not make the recourse that empiricist accounts of theory wish to do , to check our theories against a world conceived independently of theories .
6 However , we have I 'm sorry to say , identified two constraints in our powers , and we can not make further progress until these constraints have been removed .
7 As we can not prove what has caused these specific problem behaviours and we can not alter the marriage ( or , probably , arrange for the family to be re-housed ) it is necessary to stop thinking about causes altogether .
8 One line of his broadcast — ‘ Now it is very cold and we can not stay in our house ’ — hints at a crisis that nearly closed Dovercourt and did result in the evacuation of Pakefield , the overspill camp near Lowestoft .
9 There are many problems here and we can not hope to deal with all of them adequately , not simply because of limitations of space but , more importantly , because many of them are , as yet , problems to which there are no satisfactory answers , no clear solutions or , very often , many possible solutions but no clearly superior one .
10 In our judgment , the formulation quoted from the report of the Farquharson Committee is correct and we can not improve upon it .
11 For us the important point is that the timescale on which continents have drifted about is the same slow timescale on which animal lineages have evolved , and we can not ignore continental drift if we are to understand the patterns of animal evolution on those continents .
12 ‘ The ordering-off broke up a successful partnership between Hateley and Ally McCoist and we can not hide from that fact , ’ said Smith .
13 Peregrine said : " We do not know the effect of waves and we can not estimate what we should build " .
14 And we can not explain more complex needs by appealing to a concept of a universal individual such as homo oeconomicus .
15 If we are constituted as subjects by the totalities we inhabit , then our beliefs about the divide between science and ideology ( Althusser 's included ) will be determined too , and we can not expect to arrive at an impartial , objective view of it .
16 The Soviet Union , so the story goes , is simply a different type of state , and we can not expect it to live peacefully or comfortably with its main adversary .
17 The spiritual care of the bereaved demands a book all on its own and we can not do it justice here since we have been more concerned with the human experiences that people undergo .
18 ‘ We are in business to make a profit and we can not do that with so few passengers . ’
19 And we can not help but contrast the generous appreciation of Dryden by Eliot , who might have been expected to be temperamentally less in tune with him .
20 If a fight is inevitable and we can not escape , it is irrelevant what he or she intends to do to us , or whether he or she looks capable of doing it .
21 Cumulative selection is the key but it had to get started , and we can not escape the need to postulate a single-step chance event in the origin of cumulative selection itself .
22 It was put here for us by the Great Spirit and we can not sell it because it does not belong to us .
23 We are a group with a specific condition and specific demands and we can not wait for socialism and structural changes to solve the problems tomorrow , which today are the cause of our limitations …
24 In verse fourteen it says , when the apostles in Jerusalem that Somaria had received the word of God and we can not become Christians without God 's word .
25 This is an attempt to bring a greater level of uniformity than we have achieved so far , but we are bound by agreements made at the time of amalgamation and we can not undermine or contradict those particular decisions , and that 's why in a few cases , particularly in relation to the size of conference , there is some slight imbalance .
26 ‘ Saville looked a good asset and we can not replace him .
27 We are aware of the enormous scope of some of the questions raised in this issue and we can not claim to address them all adequately .
28 However , by its very nature , the scheme is complex , and we can not guarantee that minor difficulties may not emerge when we put it into practice .
29 still a human error even though you know how to do it , and we can not guarantee that you 'll do it so it , so it is , the , it is very important that nobody takes anything off the shelf automatically assume
30 And we can not say that one way of perceiving things is more real than another .
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