Example sentences of "[coord] she [is] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Oh , well it 's either that or she 's just ignorant !
2 Nurse the resident in a position in which he or she is most comfortable , and change that position frequently .
3 In the case of a building , the seller may be ignorant : if the seller knew of a risk and sold without disclosure , he or she is probably liable at law , but builders come and builders go , and those who deliberately mislead mostly go .
4 Do not leave the purchaser until he or she is completely satisfied with the demonstration .
5 Finally , that a poet has written a good poem does not mean he or she is always capable of another , and to read Duck 's career as an arrested development may be sentimental .
6 If Ayer then tells the theist that he or she is still unable to make meaningful theological statements , then it can not surely be on the basis of the verification principle , the principle by which he claims to distinguish meaningful from meaningless statements .
7 Use this where your employee has not entitlement to SSP or where that entitlement has run out but he or she is still sick .
8 The role of the consultant psychogeriatrician in this service is different from that in the conventional model ; rather than being the principal performer of the initial diagnostic assessments , he or she is directly involved in assessing only dubious , difficult , and urgent cases .
9 This stressed-out poor performer is motivated by the fear that he or she is highly disposable , and that if they ease up on their workload the axe will fall .
10 The older youngster , on the other hand , may have a very real and concrete sexual difficulty of which he or she is perfectly conscious .
11 Society tells your drug friend living in the squats that he or she is incurably evil .
12 A great many assessment systems are competitive in that the extrinsic rewards they offer are in short supply and each student who wants them is asked to demonstrate that he or she is more deserving than others , or others are less deserving .
13 Strike up some personal rapport with the person in charge Of the centre so that he or she is more likely to go that extra mile for you .
14 For example , expressed guilt may be so deep as to become delusional , generalised to the point where the individual believes that he or she is personally responsible for some major catastrophe or for all of the evil that exists in the world .
15 You ca n't make an individual schedule appear which includes both the tasks the person is responsible for and the ones he or she is merely involved in .
16 If a member leaves the band , he or she is only responsible for the debts incurred prior to his or her leaving .
17 It is the doctor 's job to tell the patient or the patient 's family , when he or she is terminally ill , but once the diagnosis and prognosis have been given , the nurse copes with the emotional effects .
18 and that 's put on and if , we say for argument sake that er she was married , we know she 's not , but she could be and her banns are in and her husband gets wind that she 's getting married again , you know , so he goes into the registrar office has a look , and she 's already married to me and this is what it 's for
19 And she 's already worried in case the polyp turns out to be something worse . ’
20 And she 's also good at support , supporting the team .
21 And she 'd like come to school and she 's just such a wreck .
22 There would be virtually no risk of her ringing to check up ; she can ‘ t abide me , and she 's even worse with Frank and the kids .
23 And she 's nearly twenty-two , you say .
24 She paints , and she 's incredibly good at it . ’
25 Gina thought they must be valuable and she 's probably right ; but she 's puzzled as to why her father kept them shut away and never mentioned them . ’
26 And she 's probably embarrassed as you are
27 And she 's pretty sure her dates are accurate .
28 Proud dad Rod , from Sydney , said : ‘ Casey loves to swear and she 's pretty good at it . ’
29 Indeed , one old lady of 94 was interviewed on television and she proudly told the presenter ‘ I can now walk faster than my daughter — and she 's only 72 ! ’
30 And she 's only eleven you see .
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