Example sentences of "[coord] she have always [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Ordinarily she 'd have enjoyed the assignment — the cast and crew were a nice bunch for the most part , and she 'd always liked Aberdeen .
2 She may have acted impetuously , but she 'd intended no malice , and she 'd always had Kirsty 's best interests at heart .
3 She was a grown woman and she had always prided herself on her common sense , but all the same …
4 It had all been an enjoyable game , and she had always imagined that love would be an enjoyable game as well , except that there was nothing enjoyable about the pain eating away at her .
5 God knew the man had little enough from his family , and she had always liked Edith herself .
6 She had lived a very gay life in London , when she was on the stage you know , and she had always had her parents behind her — like Pip , she had ‘ Great Expectations ’ .
7 And she had always set great store by common sense .
8 She had loved the sense of purpose and the freedom and most of the Africans , and she had always supposed that she would stay there all her life , and finally die there , and be buried , like David Livingstone 's wife , under a baobab tree .
9 We are a close family and she has always stayed in touch .
10 Mrs Bretton-Fawcett is a county lady and she has always patronised us because we have made her hats to suit her .
11 People are always asking Rosa to go places and talk to schools and she has always tried to say yes .
12 You know she never has liked village people , and she 's always had rather a squashing way towards kids .
13 Not an easy tongue to master at such short notice , but she had always felt it was a basic courtesy for a tourist to make some attempt , however feeble , to communicate in the tongue of the host country .
14 Occasionally , Mr Landor would accuse her of stealing from him when he had mislaid a silver spoon or could not find a precious paperknife , but she had always treated these accusations with the contempt they deserved .
15 But she had always wanted to be in uniform , so eventually became a policewoman .
16 ‘ Drive anything , ’ said Gabriel , which was a complete lie , but she had always longed to get her hands on Rose 's car .
17 She had never been a snob in the unpleasant sense of the word , but she had always set great store by Father 's material success , and later by my having been to Oxford and then on my becoming a doctor .
18 Her father disapproved of him , and had said so , but she had always thought that he would come round to her point of view .
19 Her mother had stated then that it would probably not be necessary to move again , but she had always shied off from friendships — so many of them had been lost before .
20 But she 'd always rejected the idea .
21 I mean to me the boss of of our bench , there was probably twenty people on the bench , to me the boss of that it was n't what you call a particularly good job but she 'd always worked at the and of course when when went on War work er th those that were still there they got the better jobs you see , to organize us that had n't been , worked there before .
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