Example sentences of "[coord] this [noun] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 & this Helianor was of the daughters , heirs
2 ( 5 ) Neither our client nor this Firm be in any way responsible for the professional charges levied by your Consultant .
3 Only one of the control subjects was similarly positive , and this sample was from the upper lobe of a lung with clear apical capping suggestive of old asymptomatic infection with M tuberculosis .
4 So he said , you were on the right and this lady was on the left near the gutter side ?
5 There are3 million people on the dole and this country is in a deep economic crisis , yet all this is being shown on television and it is a disgrace .
6 And this stuff is worth money , is it , Ray ? ’
7 It was never performed in public during Korngold 's lifetime and this recording is of the world première , given in Munich in 1972 , 15 years after the composer 's death .
8 I dissolved a grain of soda in half an ounce of water mixed with alcohol in a phial , which was thereby filled two-thirds full , and shook this solution continuously for half an hour , and this fluid was in potency and energy equal to the thirtieth development of power . ’
9 Retinoic acid-treated F9 cells increase the steady-state level of H1 mRNA several times and this increase is at least partially due to an increased transcriptional activity of the gene ( 12 ) .
10 Only the pavement from the New Market Hall site , Gloucester , provides unequivocal evidence for a fourth century date , and this mosaic was in a fragmentary condition when discovered ( McWhirr 1974 , pI .
11 Yes well it was er we lived at the top of the second hill and this school was at the bottom .
12 A policewoman with long experience in dealing with sexual abuse did express the opinion that policemen can sometimes be more effective than women in encouraging very young male victims to talk about their experiences : and this policewoman was in favour of male colleagues joining her at the RUC 's specialist sexual abuse unit .
13 Matthew : I like this colour [ yellow ] and this colour is for Liverpool [ red ] .
14 Top American brokerage Weedin & Co has constantly rejected the New York Stock Exchange for the American OTC market , which it considers superior and this attitude is by no means uncommon .
15 Right , April , April the tenth to the twelfth , is the , is the National Amnesty A G M which is held over a weekend and this year is in Exeter .
16 Sabine was in the study and this painting was on the wall . ’
17 And this selectivity is of course justified by my immediate aim , which is phonological rather than sociolinguistic — to discover whether we can reasonably speak of a meat/mate merger in Belfast English .
18 Erm , putting images into words is not always easy , a colour in a painting can give you a way in and the brown of Van Gogh 's jacket erm affected me with this one particularly and the sun flower I felt was inappropriate misplace , in a vase to , to small , erm and it gave me an image a very strong image of suffering and this poem is in its very early stages and its literally just a list of images and I wanted to be able to show you how I start off which is with a series of images and then I have to put some filler in and open them up a bit and , and make them more accessible and understandable , but this is just a list form .
19 And this picture was on the easel then ? ’
20 When the directors of the London and North Western Railway organised their company in the last century they decided to build an engineering works , for locomotives and rolling stock , near the centre of their network , and this point was in the countryside at Crewe .
21 Interestingly , at the time of Burgess ' model , Sneinton and Radford were still on the outskirts of the city and this housing was for the workers at the Players , clothing , and Raleigh factories .
22 ‘ Now look , Ludlow , we are all very busy and this caravan is for PGA officials and tournament professionals .
23 and this woman was in her
24 The message to emerge from this conference was one of liberation , from both spiritual and material bondage , and this liberation was to be achieved by the participation in the whole life of the church , not just church services .
25 Although outside the sun was shining and this room was in the front of the house , no glimmer of sunlight filtered through the venetian blinds and the half-drawn curtains , only a dusty grey luminosity which seemed to chill the room .
26 The broadest practical division is into functional management and project management and this book is about the latter .
27 This date and this gap are by no means fortuitous .
28 This darkness and this cloud is betwixt thee and thy God , and telleth thee that thou mayest neither see him clearly by light of understanding , nor feel him in sweetness of love in thine affection , and therefore shape thee to bide in this darkness as long as thou mayest , crying after him that thou lovest …
29 And this figure is for each cell , not all the cells of a body put together .
30 I read the analect of Richter many years ago and this quotation is from memory .
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