Example sentences of "[coord] by [art] time [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All day this shadow grew in her mind and by the time school was over and she was running along the railway line , it seemed to be running behind her like some dark , winged creature .
2 They moved quite quickly and by the time Mum had paid for her shopping and packed it in bags , they had almost reached t ] he last checkout .
3 But then she recognised her erstwhile midwife , and by the time Fen rejoined her Robbie was enjoying a rapturous welcome — a welcome in which an indignant , ruffled Raff was sharing .
4 The broad wavelength tuning is accompanied by the high peak photon fluxes needed for investigating nonlinear processes , and by the time resolution needed to study the dynamics of reactions .
5 Since it was a beverage blessed by the great Dickens , it was perceived by the Lionisers as an entirely suitable drink for the ladies , and by the time Rose and Auguste arrived , another merry night was well in progress .
6 But by the time crime categories or definitions have been established , the most important foundation stone of ‘ our crime problem ’ has been well and truly buried in cement , beyond the reach of any liberal ‘ scientific ’ shovel .
7 It is possible to start off with just one or two tags which control the main typographic elements but by the time page numbers , headers , footers , indexes , etc have been added the list can get unwieldy .
8 Daylight was just around the corner however , but by the time daylight did arrive , although she and her pride were very much certain that she 'd see Vendelin Gajdusek in hell before she ever spoke to him again , certain other practicalities had entered her head .
9 An object close to the camera , with a very short out-and-return light-path from flash to film , will be imaged while the sound-pulse is still at the back of the emulsion but by the time light from an object 15 metres away has reached the film , the sound-pulse will have reached its front face .
10 The two girls were both on night duty and they waited in vain all night , hoping against hope that Steve and his crew had perhaps been forced down somewhere , but by the time dawn came up and there was still no news , they realised he was just another casualty .
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