Example sentences of "[coord] do it [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Or did it have to be somebody like Sir Edward ?
2 Or does it extend to an unregistered company ?
3 the account into which it 's paid , does that account into which the three four four five interest is paid , does that have to be in my wife 's name , or does it have to be a joint
4 The question has to be asked : ‘ Is it me , or does it happen to other climbers as well ? ’ .
5 run on or does it come to a grinding fucking cock up ? and that 's what I think will happen when is not there
6 Does it refer to territory already held by the Croatians or does it apply to old frontiers which are up for grabs ?
7 Correct me if I 'm wrong , but I can not remember major riots and civil disorder against the old rates system , nor did it contribute to the downfall of a Prime Minister .
8 Nor did it occur to me then to enquire how it was possible in those days for a keen Wesleyan Methodist to become a publican .
9 The Court reiterated that ‘ the Convention does not govern the actions of States not parties to it , nor does it purport to be a means of requiring the Contracting States to impose Convention standards on other States . ’
10 The Bill is not the whole answer to car crime , nor does it pretend to be , but it is an important , new and urgently needed part of the legislative answer .
11 Nor does it apply to the colliding electromagnetic wave solution of Bell and Szekeres ( 1974 ) in which impulsive gravitational waves are generated by the collision .
12 However , the Directive does not apply to holdings in open-ended investment companies or other collective investment undertakings ; nor does it apply to holdings in companies incorporated outside the EC , although such companies which are listed on a stock exchange in a member state must make a public announcement of changes in major holdings of which they become aware ( even though there is no actual notification requirement ) .
13 Nor does it apply to claims which are solely or mainly the respect of physical injury or illness or the consequences of such injury or illness .
14 Second , where there is a reference to time , for instance the past reference of former in ( 36 ) , it does not apply to the putative referent of the noun phrase , who still lives ; nor does it apply to the intensional entity , which is still available to any speaker of the sentence ; rather it applies in some way to the status of the property inherent in the noun ( king , in this example ) .
15 Nor does it seem to be the case that the notorious reluctance of the Masai to accommodate themselves to the modern world was to any significant extent the result of administrative protection from it .
16 The intention to make a graphic verisimilitude of appearance has no virtue in itself , nor does it seem to me to be the most important reason for spending long hours working directly from the subject .
17 For this reason it neither defines law in terms of force , legitimate or otherwise , nor does it point to literal enforceability as the essence of law .
18 Nor does it have to : we know his fears are as weak as his desires .
19 Environmental archaeology is not a replacement for archaeology , nor does it claim to be entirely separate from , or inherently superior to , the more traditional humanities approach .
20 Nor does it need to be big or expensive looking .
21 And does it have to be young people resident in South Ronaldsay , or is it more of an open contest now ?
22 The writing of the book was hardly more than half-way done , but did it need to be done here , ferchrissake ?
23 And the problem is that most of the time you know what you want to say , but does it correspond to what people want to hear , or read , or listen to ?
24 But does it apply to the case of the housewife ?
25 But does it have to be Curtains
26 But does it have to be Curtains
27 But does it have to be that way ? ’
28 But does it have to be so complicated ?
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