Example sentences of "[coord] do [not/n't] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Through both the death and resurrection of Jesus , humanity is now reconciled to God even if some people are unaware of , or do not care to hear , the good news .
2 The rest do not know , or do not want to know , the extent to which the NCT has influenced every aspect of obstetric care .
3 If you can not or do not wish to attend , but wish your views to be put before the Inspector , will you please send them in writing to reach the Department of the Environment , Room 13/16 , Tollgate House , Houlton Street , Bristol , BS2 9DJ , before the 23rd February , 1989 , quoting the appeal reference
4 According to the current secretary of state , this principle still applies : ‘ Health authorities have a responsibility under the NHS Act 1977 to provide nursing care for those who can not or do not wish to pay for it .
5 This is because a major aim of public sector housing policy has been to provide a good standard of accommodation usually for the less well-to-do who can not or do not wish to buy their own homes .
6 If you ca n't or do n't want to give credit yourself and your business should give credit you may be able to solve the problem by using the money of one or more of the credit card companies instead of your own .
7 If you have rented accommodation and ca n't or do n't want to put fabric up permanently- or are not allowed to paint , for that matter-then you can hang fabric instead .
8 Similarly some women ca n't or do n't want to ride in the latter stages of pregnancy but would like their horse kept in work .
9 What people to look you know in the modern society women do n't have to rely on men or do n't have to have traditional sex roles , this is a point of view is n't it ?
10 He probably agreed not to go into it like , you know , or did n't want to go into it .
11 Inanna had inherited from her mother a particular form of behaviour to use when she was anxious or did n't want to do something .
12 This was in front of the cameras , and I thought , ‘ You two-faced bitch ’ , because if I ever tried to talk to her she 'd either be sarcastic or looked through you , looked away or did n't want to know .
13 But she did n't believe her or did n't want to know .
14 They were too embarrassed or did n't want to make a mountain out of a molehill .
15 ‘ No … ! ’ she tried to say against that forceful mouth , but he either did n't hear , or did n't want to hear .
16 And he would n't , or did n't want to marry her ? ’
17 Would my honourable friend be able to explain why it was that in the run up to negotiations with respect to the question of increase in the number of seats er , the German government made it quite clear that they were not interested or did n't want to have the additional number of seats and then subsequently , for reasons that have never been fully explained , we then found that er they had an additional eighteen .
18 Several harassers , not stopped at the outset , will claim that the victim ‘ wanted it ’ or did n't seem to mind .
19 Like from Road at , and er I think I 'm not sure whether or did n't use to use it as well .
20 ‘ Oh , but you do n't want to … ’ she began to deny , but her voice faded when she saw one eyebrow ascend — as if it was unheard-of for anyone to tell him what he wanted or did not want to do .
21 If the reader is invited to be suspicious , and is nudged towards a defamatory explanation which the writer " did not care or did not dare to express in direct terms " the publication will be capable of carrying a defamatory imputation .
22 Moreover , aspiring members of this new class were not only moving about the country ; they were also moving upward , abandoning grandparents who could not keep up , or did not wish to do so .
23 Moreover , in our period the case of states in which the bourgeoisie had won formal political control , or did not have to share it with older political elites , was still quite exceptional .
24 Erm it would be wrong to say Wales is a weak region on the basis of this , it 's just not , does n't appear , or does n't expect to grow as strongly as it was growing .
25 The policy er does n't prevent or does n't seem to prevent er proper development which is associated with settlements in rural areas .
26 However , if a person does not want to remember names of minor characters in a novel , or does not have to remember arbitrary names to perform an experimental task , a representation of content from which that information is omitted — an incomplete mental model — will suffice .
27 Recurrent problems may be symptomatic of crises which the nurse can not or does not wish to share with her manager .
28 Often people who share your compartment wish to relax and do not wish to indulge in polite conversation , they may just want to read a newspaper or magazine so we must respect their wishes .
29 Let someone know where you are going and what time you expect to be back and do n't forget to let them know when you are back .
30 And do n't forget to turn the light out ! ’
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