Example sentences of "[coord] they will [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Prescription charges will be frozen and they will extend the number of those exempt from payment .
2 They are responsible for the long range planning activities of the firm and they will set the overall goals .
3 And they will forget the bread and butter customer who drinks three to four pints a day , seven days a week . ’
4 Over the next ten years manufacturers will be able to exceed them , and they will want the rules changed .
5 Erm and they will want the prestige of being on the golf club and quite honestly , the golf club card , and quite honestly so does the golf club want
6 Then , a few days later , after the pigeons have had time to rest , they may be taken to some other point , perhaps one hundred miles south this time , and they will repeat the trick .
7 If there is no further communication and the goods or services are supplied , the buyer 's acceptance of the goods or services will also amount to acceptance of the seller 's terms , and they will govern the contract .
8 Particular investment decisions are for the industry to make , and they will decide the level of opencast output they wish to aim for .
9 Give them the power to choose at the General Election and they will decide the future of the N H S. The future of the N H S is safe with the Labour Party , with your lot it 's privatisation , it 's started already and we 're a General Election away from the end of the N H S.
10 Contact your local Trading Standards Department and they will enforce the Trades Description Act .
11 The couple are first to go in , there the proceedings will be explained and they will pay the fees .
12 They 're more like a profile , and they will specify the kind of disabilities that the child has , the kind of progress that has been made , the kind of barriers that appear to be hindering the child from making progress .
13 The individual settlor must express his wishes to his legal advisors , and they will recommend the most appropriate type of trust to meet the particular situation .
14 I believe that the Bill will make headline news , because millions of people will benefit from it and they will see the advantages to them .
15 It will be necessary for the management to provide information to the investors , and they will need the consent of the vendor before doing so .
16 A Labour Government will be able , therefore , to play some part in the meetings in Portugal between January and June and they will take the chair at the meetings in the United Kingdom from 1 July onwards .
17 Now then , and I think that it 's important , well let me let me just deal with the minor diversion that in s those people who choose not to pay , that is a personal choice , and they will take the consequences of their actions .
18 Now then , and I think that it 's important , well let me let me just deal with the minor diversion that in s those people who choose not to pay , that is a personal choice , and they will take the consequences of their actions .
19 There in the darkness , the chicks can see very little of their parents , but they can hear them and they will follow the sound that they first hear during that crucial imprinting period for the rest of their duckling days .
20 From their example , people with less entrepreneurial ability will see that risks have been overcome and profits made , and they will follow the leaders generating a swarm of innovations .
21 ‘ Local authorities will find ways of closing them despite their popularity , and they will have the power to do it because there will not be anything to protect the schools .
22 West Ham skipper Julian Dicks is also banned and they will keep the side that won 5-1 at Bristol City in midweek .
23 Ask them about the benefits of a Northern Ireland location and they will highlight the quality of the people that work for them .
24 Their desire to leave farming will simply be increased and they will seize the first opportunity to move .
25 Monaco despatched a scout to trail him at Bournemouth the following week , and they will use the next couple of days to decide whether to gamble on bringing Lambert to Europe 's gambling capital .
26 However , whistling and swearing offends them and they will shower the guilty person with pebbles and gravel until he stops .
27 Words of condemnation from our political or security leaders will not solve anything , but they will reassure the public that someone , somewhere is concerned about the attacks on them .
28 Words of condemnation from our political or security leaders will not solve anything , but they will reassure the public that someone , somewhere is concerned about the attacks on them .
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