Example sentences of "[coord] they had n't [been] " in BNC.

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1 Creation was a really small label at that time and they had n't been successful for about two years , so there just was n't the money .
2 He felt he had the upper hand for once , and they had n't been able to set up the Microwave Gun yet , either ; he felt cool and relaxed .
3 He had already put out feelers with local employers but they had n't been too keen on employing a well-known agitator ; even those who seemed sympathetic to the anti-nuclear cause did n't actually have work on offer .
4 But they had n't been near enough .
5 But they had n't been made at Fords , they 'd been made in a subsidiary , taken up the road on long trailers , taken off the trailer onto the assembly conveyor , which er crawls round the assembly line and fitted like that .
6 But they had n't been born then . ’
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