Example sentences of "[coord] they [vb mod] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They may not , for instance , be prepared to risk having any kind of emotional engagement ( I recently worked with a group of headteachers for whom this seemed to be a problem ) ; or they may not trust each other or the teacher ; or the ‘ hidden curriculum , of the group 's own dynamics may cut across the drama 's requirements ( for instance if the strong natural leader within the group is not given her usual leadership function within the fiction ) ; or the group may concentrate too hard on preparing material for ‘ showing ’ so that they miss out almost entirely on ‘ playing the drama game ’ ; or they may dislike drama or really want to perform a play or are simply not in the mood to submit to the experience .
2 Employees may regard their property in a high-priced area as a ‘ nest egg ’ for their retirement ( as they may plan to retire to a cheaper area of housing and fund their retirement with the sale proceeds ) or they may not wish to reduce their stake in the housing market .
3 They may not recognise when they are in danger , for example when crossing a busy road , or they may not know how to carry out even the most basic safety precautions necessary for the prevention of fire , accidents and infection .
4 Cable & Wireless 's manager for managed data networks , Richard Henables , says that they will either be integrated at a later date , or they may simply receive a send level of service .
5 Or they may simply find that their headaches become more frequent and more painful .
6 Generative linguists consider punctuation to be simply prosody and of relevance for the language — or they may simply believe it to be uninteresting .
7 he said they may just go one to forty six he said or they may even go forty eight on that one to even it up .
8 Or they may even spend a good sum of money on refurbishing a suite of rooms with no apparent requirement of reward other than perhaps the naming of the rooms in acknowledgement .
9 People posted abroad are also unhappy about losing touch with family and friends or they may even worry about what will happen to pets .
10 This denial is so certain that other people close to the sufferer may even come to doubt their own certainty that there really are problems or they may even come to doubt their own sanity .
11 Within a specific environment problems may be solved or they may only minimised depending upon external constraints imposed .
12 They may be parents or they may only have letters after their name , but what they have in common is this : they know that intellectual perfection and the criteria for measuring it are chimeras .
13 There will be times during a good investigative session when they need to draw several quick diagrams perhaps , or they may suddenly see connections between things which they can not yet explain but need to indicate immediately .
14 Counselling skills can be learned but they do require practice and Burnard warns that counselling techniques should not be overused or they may indeed impede listening and communication .
15 If they still wanted to expand their original business there are other ways of doing so : there might be scope for a small hotel at L'Auberge , for instance , or for outside catering around Chelmslow , or they might even capitalize on George 's knowledge of French wines by setting up an off-licence and specialist wine importation business .
16 They 've probably not read the sign , or they might not give an indicator at all .
17 They might form an array of some higher dimension , or they might not have any array-like structure at all .
18 folk folk that know you either w might be too critical or they might just switch off because they have heard it before .
19 Or they might just clamber over the wall at any point .
20 Either they do not want to run the risk of miscarriage ( about one in 100-200 ) which the procedure entails ; or they would not want a termination even if the baby was found to be disabled .
21 They were people who had reason to be suspicious , or they would not have paid so highly for Hayman 's services .
22 They were not the cream or they would not have found their way to this worthless place .
23 None of the Khans believed that Artai was so incapable of controlling the violence of his temperament , Alexei thought , or they would not have elected him .
24 ‘ His jailers were certain he intended to have me killed , or they would not have treated me thus . ’
25 Boys , young lads , not happy boys or they would not have sat so loosely to life that they could come the way of their murderer .
26 Not even the fine citizens of Ecoville who have to get their rake-off too , or they would n't turn a blind eye to it .
27 ‘ Someone must be with them or they would n't have got up there , ’ said Maud reasonably .
28 " Silly question , of course you must be or they would n't have let you out . "
29 Well erm David said that he did n't think the strike would have gone on or they would n't have the heart to go on without the women ?
30 They certainly do n't know that they 're bidding against a phantom bid or they would n't bid ’ , he said .
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