Example sentences of "[coord] they [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 but do they really actually dig into the the real reasons for the eating disorders or they just try and get you back onto a stable diet ?
2 I just put the title ‘ Division ’ on the board and they immediately wail that they ca n't do it .
3 Their green eyes fell on the strange eight-legged carving — which may indeed have been a spider , or an octopus , or may yet again have been something altogether more strange and they immediately decided that they were n't so hungry , at that .
4 But I was considered ‘ sharp ’ and they also discovered that I could run quite fast .
5 And they also said that astonishingly pretty results can be attained with whitewood furniture when painted in pastel colours .
6 Two members of the Warnock Committee dissented from the majority to the extent of permitting surrogacy as a treatment for childlessness under the general supervision of a licensing authority ; and they also suggested that payment to a surrogate mother should not be a barrier to the child being adopted by the commissioning couple .
7 and they also reckon that the Gosport and Portsmouth are the worst off than anywhere else in this country
8 And they also believe that would-be organic farmers should be encouraged with financial incentives .
9 They replied that Edmund left no claim to his brothers and had wanted Cnut to support and protect his sons until they were old enough to rule , and they also swore that they wished to elect Cnut king , humbly obey him , and pay tribute to his army .
10 The machair landforms have been described by Mather and Ritchie ( 1977 ) and Ritchie ( 1979 ) as hilly , hillocky , undulating and plain and they also state that 87 per cent lie below 50 metres and 18 per cent below 10 metres O.D. Gneiss hills with smooth slopes facing the prevailing winds occur in some localities and blown sand has accumulated up to 100 metres on Eoligarry Hill ( Barra ) and to 150 metres on Pabbay ( Sound of Harris ) .
11 ‘ A lot of guys out there now do n't know that you got ta have the timing and planning for this stuff , and they just go and do it on the spur of the moment and get caught . ’
12 My mother had a phone call from the foreign office and they just said that er Christine had given birth to a baby girl , er we do n't know much more about it , and that they 're both fine .
13 Erm not necessarily addicted though , they just like it and they just wait until they get caught then they suffer the consequences themselves .
14 I mean it 's good for them learning to be amongst a lot of children and they soon learn that erm they ca n't have their way .
15 When they came out the club went mad , and they honestly believed that the crowd thought they were good . ’
16 They could see a difference between imperialist war and imperialist peace , and they fervently believed that , even short of the revolution , their own actions might be capable of preventing another Great War .
17 And they normally say that a minute of erm that is gon na be a thousand quid do n't they a minute of video is a thousand quid
18 So , were not buying anyone ( and they normally say if they are ) , not even interested in anyone .
19 Or perhaps it proves that women tend to try to be attractive to upstage one another and they completely forget that men are going to find them attractive too . ’
20 The smaller species of mustelid , although they prey on small mammals , eat little of the bone , and they frequently catch and eat prey larger than themselves .
21 There are , however , important exceptions , and they clearly suggest that a first stage must be to see people 's housing experience in relation to the whole of their lives , in particular their lives in employment .
22 In the two weeks following , he had numerous conversations with Hugh Fraser — who , of course , made common cause with him over Biafra — and they jointly decided that the document should be provided to the press for publication .
23 The trouble with these schemes is that insufficient thought was given to what they were supposed to achieve , and they inevitably perpetuated and reinforced the view of ‘ otherness ’ .
24 Final scores were much lower on both tests , and they often indicated that symptoms were no longer clinically significant .
25 Carrie asked them anxiously , and they only said that they had not seen him without saying how ridiculous the question was .
26 News had reached them of the happenings at the manor and they rightly assumed that with Tom in charge of the manor farm they were not likely to be evicted from their forest camp .
27 They take at face value cases such as this one involving the policewomen , and they really believe that they live in a society that has lost all its civilised values .
28 From the first day on , when they had met on the wide steps of the strange school , they had loved one another until the last , when they left this school , never to see one another again ; and they never knew that their friendship was love , their love passion .
29 And we went three times and they always planned and planned and planned and had ideas what they could do .
30 I could n't be bothered to go to the toilet and they always came and changed me .
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