Example sentences of "[coord] they [verb] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or they pretend they do n't care . ’
2 I mean they , they were exploiting or they had they had the potential exploit more countries than Russia did .
3 Or they thought they did until it always says Conservative propaganda on the sides so I think that 's a gon na .
4 Oh aha , within the sections is there , is there some sections you think that feel they 're better than other sections because they 've got like maybe more pay or they feel they 've special ?
5 They often agree to intercourse because they feel they must or they think they 've got to a certain age where they have to do it .
6 Or they think they do .
7 Or they think they do n't need it .
8 Mullingar was passed and they felt they had hardly said a word to one another .
9 Erm with the headrail that you were looking at , it 's this one and they come they go from er one to six .
10 The band were very supportive and they knew they did n't have to do anything untoward .
11 We 've got a big erm like cupboard in in the school and they 've they 've got loads of paper threes paper twos .
12 er They 've lost most of their goods , er they 've had to leave enormous amounts of , of , of their personal belongings in , in Kuwait , they 're , they 're not physically in bad shape , but mentally they 're , they 're very anxious and , and they know they 've lost a lot of belongings .
13 They , they know what they have to do to protect that stock , to protect their life 's interests and they , and they know they do n't need to be told really by any officer here who are not in that not , not in that game , what they have to do that 's what they 're asking us to do and they certainly asked us to do that on the erm , on the tour of county farms that we had only , only a few weeks ago .
14 Two of our group have been widowed already , and they know they have a familiar place and a familiar setting to settle in .
15 I continued to call and they said they had the matter in hand , but I must be patient and understand that the pressure of business was overwhelming .
16 ‘ He asked the senior players if they 'd seen anything as they came away from the dressing-room and they said they had n't .
17 He says she asked about the stresses of final exams , and they said they had n't got a job to go to anyway .
18 She asked them about the child and they said they had just found him .
19 it 's up to him whether it 's , whether they say it 's right or wrong I think , I think what the council said is if they , if they want it , the thing shifting , they are strong enough to get it shifted if they , if they , if they really feel that the things rot , you see up in the Dales they , one chap built a house and er , and they said they had to pull it down because it would n't fit in with , of
20 we were gon na go down there , but erm nan and granddad had been down there about a fortnight ago and they said they had n't got a lot out yet , they said they would n't be out for about another three weeks , so about
21 er and Sharon never alt er cancelled that , well they come out and they said they 'd had Chinese flu so when I went into and had me chest done , I says I 've got the flu like , she says yeah she said I says I , I know , I said they 've got that Chinese flu she 's be
22 ‘ When I used to watch Bros on the telly and they said they loved their fans , I used to think it was a really naff thing to say .
23 They checked with the firm and they said they did n't repair it , so he got the sack .
24 ‘ I told them my brother could be lying dead somewhere and they said they did n't care and that I was mucking them about , ’ said 18-year-old Joanne , of Stoneleigh , Surrey , yesterday .
25 to erm the hospitals and erm they would appar , I might be wro , I 'm sure this is the way she explained it to me cos one of the girls in the branches did explain it to me once , and they said they have a choice of joints , like the doctor would say er
26 I did some pork chops er , the other day erm and , and they cooked they cooked very well .
27 And they keep they keep popping to have air ?
28 Erm that was on the same vein and they got they got a ce er a certain amount of national er erm national er publicity .
29 Not like some they sent him ; six weeks in wireless school and they thought they knew it all .
30 And they while they reckon condoms , by far the most popular form of contraception for teenagers , are sensible they are victims of their own self-consciousness because they are too afraid to buy them .
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