Example sentences of "[coord] set off [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 THREE or four times a month a Royal Bank lorry laden with 4 tonnes of waste paper pulls out of Drummond House and sets off for a paper mill in Fife .
2 He declined the offer of a lift home , wished me an interesting journey , and set off through a light Prague drizzle .
3 In the late Sixties , Kasmin swallowed his pride and set off as a travelling salesman on behalf of the gallery to America , travelling the States with a bagful of transparencies , finding out who was interested in art from the local museums , and visiting people who did n't get to New York .
4 Left-winger Darren Junee brilliantly slipped round his marker , James Reynolds , just before half-time and set off on a jinking run down the left wing .
5 Not for the first time , Josh wondered how much use an aging and lame night watchman would be in an emergency , but he put this thought aside and set off on a tour of inspection .
6 After lunch , either from members ' own nosebags or from the Museum café , we reboarded our coach and set off on a magical mystery tour in search of Butterley and the M.R.C. It is quite fun ‘ turning round ’ on a fairly busy main road in a large coach !
7 The boatman scampered across to the opposite gunwale , turned the boat , turned it again and set off on a long glide which took them close in along the bridge .
8 And she turned away , Midnight 's shoes striking sparks in the darkness , and set off at a fast trot in the direction of Sam Sylvester 's semi-detached in Acacia Avenue .
9 The boy dropped the halter he was holding and set off at a run through the gateway and towards the big house .
10 ‘ Best be movin , ’ he said and they swung open the gate and set off at a jaunty pace back up the lane towards the main road .
11 Exuberantly believing that he alone was responsible for the separation and still moved by a powerfully purifying sense of goodness and rightness , Hope paid his modest bill the next morning , left a parting note for George , checked himself from asking to see Mary , promised — though he lied — to return and set off at a tremendous pace for Hause Point .
12 Petion nodded and set off at a trot .
13 He turned randomly at right angles , and set off at a lolloping run .
14 While the creature sought height for another sweep Hrun scrambled to his feet and set off at a dead run for the woods at the edge of the arena .
15 Hrun slung the unconscious dragonlord over his shoulder and set off at a trot back to the arena .
16 At last he turned north again , his dog still running at his heels , and set off to a village just outside London .
17 I collect a dozen or so from the dewy grass in the early morning and set off for a few hours ' chubbing , knowing I am going to catch several fish , providing , of course , the weather and water conditions are favourable .
18 In the following year the Beaux-Arts style emerged at its most majestic in Washington , DC , containing some of the most powerful , overpowering indeed , spaces of any station , and set off in a great park-like setting .
19 They clambered down the cliff-path from Sea House and set off in a western direction along the beach to Badstoneleigh .
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