Example sentences of "[coord] although [pron] [was/were] not " in BNC.

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1 Daphne was a curlyheaded blonde known as ‘ Snooty ’ , and although we were not natural friends , our predilection for cream buns brought us together — especially when she discovered that I had a never-ending source of supply .
2 Maggie would not close her eyes , because that would be cheating , but she shortened her focus so that it rested precisely on the window-panes , and although they were not dirty and the moonbeams seemed to shine straight through them , they were there .
3 He did n't want to exacerbate what he saw as an existing weakness of his own in that respect , and although he was not censorious of other people , I think he was genuinely quite frightened of it , and at one point in the Arts Lab , when there was quite a lot of speed pills , amphetamines , going around amongst the young people there , he did speak out very strongly one evening against it , saying that he personally did not want anything like that around anything he was closely involved with because he felt that it was not a good thing for people to be speeding and it created the sort of vibes that might end up causing problems .
4 He planned to acquire one of the Agricultural Project smallholdings , and although he was not eligible , he had some hopes since those who were qualified were not applying .
5 The Archbishop arrived in Munich between performances of La finta giardiniera , and although he was not to hear the work himself , he learnt about it from the Elector and his family :
6 The promise of enlarged democratic rights had encouraged the ‘ playful giant ’ to be less submissive than formerly , Arnold thought , and he was beginning to assert with increasing regularity ‘ his right to march where he likes , meet where he likes , enter where he likes , hoot as he likes , threaten as he likes , smash as he likes ’ : Matthew Arnold thus proposed in the late 1860s that crime and disorder should be understood as a consequence of the already evident ‘ permissive ’ disintegration of the stable traditions , and although he was not narrowly obsessed with street violence and rowdyism , nevertheless these were an integral feature of his vision of decay — something which was deeply characteristic of this era .
7 And although he was not directly involved in the Nghe-Tinh debâcle , one may assume that , Ho , too , had ‘ overestimated the capacity of the communist leadership to transform spontaneous revolt into a nationwide uprising , and had underestimated the ability of the colonial regime to quell any challenge to its authority ’ .
8 When Tate took his leave , Eliot stood at the door of the drawingroom leaning on two canes ; Tate waved goodbye , and although he was not able to raise himself from the canes he smiled and made a movement with one hand .
9 Mr Rushdie also met federal parliamentarians in Ottawa , and although he was not granted time with the Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney , he said that his reception by the External Affairs Minister Barbara McDougall encouraged him to believe that Canada was firmly behind the campaign to get the death sentence lifted .
10 Although she told me she was experiencing a certain amount of discomfort due to the condition of her appendix , and although she was not really looking forward to surgery and to the anaesthetic , none the less Kirsty seemed to have no more than the expected apprehension which would have been felt by anyone .
11 She noticed this peculiar fish and although she was not a fish specialist , she became convinced that it was of great importance .
12 She was made Head Girl and although it was not acknowledged by anyone in authority , she was already drinking too much .
13 The Colonel was there with his wife and children , and although it was not compulsory for the men to attend mass , there were a large number of legionnaires present , mostly Latin or East European .
14 This was the city she had dreamt about so often , and although it was not quite as clean and fairy-like as she had imagined , it possessed a quality of age and empire .
15 In England these were the buyers of boroughs and seats in Parliament , and although it was not possible to do this in Scotland , as there were never any ‘ rotten boroughs ’ in the English sense , those who arranged and meddled in the burgh elections were called ‘ Boroughmongers ’ after the English traffickers in boroughs .
16 But although I was not sent away , I still did not have a sex .
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